


Vita, curriculum vita, qualifications brief, or data sheet are different names for a(n) _____.

A) cover letter
B) interest inventory
C) résumé
D) reference sheet
E) job agent

On Jul 24, 2024



The owner of a ________ possesses the same interest as the owner of a fee simple absolute,except that this interest is subject to a condition that may result in termination of the interest.

A) conditional estate
B) life estate
C) leasehold estate
D) future interest
E) fee simple absolute

On Jul 20, 2024



What is the difference between social loneliness and emotional loneliness? Which type of loneliness is most contagious?

On Jun 24, 2024

Social loneliness and emotional loneliness are two different types of loneliness that people may experience.

Social loneliness refers to the feeling of being disconnected from others and lacking a sense of belonging in social situations. This type of loneliness often occurs when a person feels isolated or excluded from social activities and relationships. It can be characterized by a lack of social support and a sense of not fitting in with others.

Emotional loneliness, on the other hand, is the feeling of not having deep, meaningful connections with others. This type of loneliness is more about feeling misunderstood, unloved, or unsupported on an emotional level. It can occur even when a person is surrounded by others, but still feels a sense of emotional emptiness and disconnection.

Both types of loneliness can be contagious, but emotional loneliness may be more so. When someone is experiencing emotional loneliness, it can affect their ability to form and maintain close relationships, which can then impact the emotional well-being of those around them. This can create a cycle of emotional loneliness that spreads to others in their social circle.

In conclusion, both social and emotional loneliness can have a significant impact on an individual's well-being and can be contagious to those around them. However, emotional loneliness may have a more profound impact on the emotional well-being of others, making it potentially more contagious.


The allowance method of accounting for bad debts matches the estimated loss from uncollectible accounts receivable against the sales they helped produce.

On Jun 20, 2024



Melissa is the financial manager for Branson Inc.and has decided to raise additional funds for the company by raising equity capital.She might do so by

A) selling bonds.
B) persuading existing owners to contribute additional funds.
C) selling marketable securities.
D) establishing a line of credit with a local bank.

On May 25, 2024



Order paper must be endorsed as well as delivered to be negotiated.

On May 21, 2024
