


For the sake of scientific knowledge, Steve decides he will do nothing but watch music videos and play video games for 24 consecutive hours and observe the various types of sexual imagery presented. Describe the various types of sexual imagery and behaviors he is likely to encounter on this heroic research project.

On Jul 16, 2024

Music videos: Female icons twerking, or dancing in a provocative manner, has become mainstream in most music videos; women are objectified and degraded and stripped of any sense of power and individualism. The focus is usually on the woman's sexuality. Men are sexual and powerful.
Video games: They promote violence and sexist attitudes toward women. Women are unrealistically shaped and submissive and often mouth sexy dialogues in degrading scenes. Men are unrealistic, violent figures whose primary purpose is to destroy and conquer.


The validity of a syllogism is determined by __________.

A) the logical relationship between the premises and the conclusion
B) the plausibility of the conclusion
C) whether or not the hypothesis tests well
D) Its consistency with our existing beliefs

On Jul 12, 2024



Jessie grew up in New City York and is an avid fan of the city's professional sports team.While attending college in Boston, Jessie attends professional sporting events against New York City teams but does not cheer for them or wear clothing with their mascots, fearing the consequences if discovered as a New York supporter.Jessie is passing as a Boston fan to cope with potential stigma.

On Jun 14, 2024



In the Milgram experiment, the teacher heard the learner beg for the experiment to stop at 150 volts, scream in agony at 270 volts, refuse to answer any more questions at 300 volts, and stop making any sound at all at 330 volts. Of the 40 participants, how many teachers were fully obedient and delivered shocks all the way to 450 volts?

A) 5
B) 15
C) 25
D) 35

On Jun 07, 2024



Participants in the U.S.National Longitudinal Survey of Youth were tracked across 25 years.The researcher found that their intelligence test scores predicted their

A) existential intelligence.
B) income.
C) emotional intelligence.
D) spatial intelligence.

On May 11, 2024



Which of the following is a cognitive theorist MOST likely to study?

A) How children confront and resolve developmental crises in their lives
B) How id, ego, and superego work together to form a healthy personality
C) How patterns of reinforcement and punishment promote learning
D) How children perceive and mentally represent the world

On May 08, 2024