


A patient is undergoing diagnostic tests. The patient says, "Nothing is wrong with me except a stubborn chest cold." The spouse reports that the patient smokes, coughs daily, has recently lost 15 pounds, and is easily fatigued. Which defense mechanism is the patient using?

A) Displacement
B) Regression
C) Projection
D) Denial

On Jul 22, 2024



A late sign of decreased oxygen levels may cause a change in skin color known as _________.

On Jul 14, 2024

Bluish (cyanosis)coloring of the skin is caused by hypoxia (late sign of decreased oxygen levels).


An older patient is being seen for a chronic entropion.The nurse realizes that entropion places the patient at risk for which of the following?

A) Ectropion.
B) Infection.
C) Exophthalmos.
D) Strabismus.

On Jun 16, 2024



In caring for patients,it is important for the nurse to realize that evidence-informed decision making is which of the following?

A) The only valid source of knowledge that should be used.
B) Secondary to traditional or standard care knowledge.
C) Dependent on patient values and expectations.
D) Not related to quality improvement studies

On Jun 11, 2024



Ordered: heparin infusion 1500 units per hour
Available: heparin 20,000 units in 1000 mL Ringer's solution
When the nurse arrives on duty,the IV is flowing at 125 mL per hour.
How many units per hour are being infused?
A)DA equation:
B)Evaluation: IV flow rate the nurse should have set on the infusion pump based on the order:
C)DA equation:
D)Evaluation of math and flow rate:

On May 15, 2024

a. a.    b.Equation is balanced.Flow rate is excessive. c.    d.Equation is balanced.Flow rate needs to be lowered to 75 mL per hour.Notify prescriber promptly.Monitor aPTT levels; monitor patient for bleeding.Document per agency policy.
b.Equation is balanced.Flow rate is excessive.
c. a.    b.Equation is balanced.Flow rate is excessive. c.    d.Equation is balanced.Flow rate needs to be lowered to 75 mL per hour.Notify prescriber promptly.Monitor aPTT levels; monitor patient for bleeding.Document per agency policy.
d.Equation is balanced.Flow rate needs to be lowered to 75 mL per hour.Notify prescriber promptly.Monitor aPTT levels; monitor patient for bleeding.Document per agency policy.


The nurse is caring for a patient with Clostridium difficile. Which nursing actions will have the greatest\bold{greatest}greatest impact in preventing the spread of the bacteria?

A) Appropriate disposal of contaminated items in biohazard bags
B) Monthly in-services about contact precautions
C) Mandatory cultures on all patients
D) Proper hand hygiene techniques

On May 12, 2024