


The group polarization effect refers to the fact that

A) a group that is composed of people with widely differing opinions tends to shift most of them toward a moderate position.
B) people with opposite personalities find each other attractive.
C) groups that discuss an issue tend to split into opposite, hostile camps.
D) after a group discusses an issue it tends to shift toward a more extreme opinion.

On Jul 17, 2024



According to the text, why is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator particularly popular?

A) It is free for researchers to use.
B) It is particularly good at predicting important life outcomes.
C) Its vague questions give the impression that it offers deep insight.
D) It has strong psychometric properties.

On Jul 16, 2024



Kari is thinking about majoring in economics. She is in the process of researching the various jobs that economics majors hold and trying to figure out which of those jobs actually required the person to have majored in economics. This puts her in the ______________________ step of the IDEAS process.

On Jun 17, 2024

Determine Relevant Information and Deepen Understanding


Aversive conditioning can be an effective treatment for

A) schizophrenia and panic disorder.
B) depression.
C) smoking, overeating, and drinking alcohol.
D) generalized anxiety disorder.

On Jun 16, 2024



Research on people 65 years and older has shown that

A) most older people become increasingly fearful of death as they age.
B) most older people experience loss of visual sharpness.
C) the body's disease-fighting immune system gets stronger during late adulthood.
D) most of those older than 65 reside in health care institutions such as nursing homes.

On May 18, 2024



Which of the following is a myth about dreaming

A)  Some people know that they are dreaming while in the middle of a dream. 
B)  You will actually die if you do not wake up from a dream before you "die" in the dream 
C)  You can incorporate sounds and other stimuli into your dreams, like dreaming of rain if you hear running water. 
D)  Most dreams are from a first-person perspective.

On May 17, 2024