


Claude Scales, a commercial fisherman, bought a new navigation system for $10,000 from Coast Marine Electronics on March 20. He paid $2,000 in cash and signed a conditional sales contract requiring a payment on July 1 of $3,000 plus interest on the $3,000 at a rate of 8%, and another payment on September 1 of $5,000 plus interest at 8% from the date of the sale. The vendor immediately sold the contract to a finance company, which discounted the payments at its required return of 12% simple interest. What proceeds did Coast Marine receive from the sale of the contract?

On Jun 30, 2024



Suppose that one equation has 3 explanatory variables and an F-ratio of 52. Another equation has 5 explanatory variables and an F-ratio of 40. The first equation will always be considered a better model.

On Jun 27, 2024



A publishing company performs sample surveys to obtain information on characteristics of book readers.A book reader is defined to be one who read one or more books in the six months prior to the survey; a non-book reader is defined to be one who read newspapers or magazines but no books in the six months prior to the survey; a nonreader is defined to be one who did not read a book,newspaper,or magazine in the six months prior to the survey.The following data were obtained from a random sample of 1429 persons 16 years old and over in an effort to determine whether or not the proportions of book readers,non-book readers,and non-readers are the same for each income bracket.  Classification \quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\text { Classification } Classification 
 Book  reader  Non-book  reader  Non-  reader  Total  Less than $15,00017326755495$15,000 to $24,99916813019317$25,000 to $39,9991601449313$40,000 and  over 213883304 Total 714629861429\begin{array}{|l|c|c|c|c|}\hline&\begin{array}{c}\text { Book } \\\text { reader }\end{array} & \begin{array}{c}\text { Non-book } \\\text { reader }\end{array} & \begin{array}{c}\text { Non- } \\\text { reader }\end{array} & \text { Total }\\\hline\begin{array}{l}\text { Less than } \\\$ 15,000\end{array} & 173 & 267 & 55 & 495 \\\hline\begin{array}{l}\$ 15,000 \text { to } \\\$ 24,999\end{array} & 168 & 130 & 19 & 317 \\\hline\begin{array}{l}\$ 25,000 \text { to } \\\$ 39,999\end{array} & 160 & 144 & 9 & 313 \\\hline \begin{array}{l}\$ 40,000 \text { and } \\\text { over }\end{array} & 213 & 88 & 3 & 304 \\\hline \text { Total } & 714 & 629 & 86 & 1429 \\\hline\end{array} Less than $15,000$15,000 to $24,999$25,000 to $39,999$40,000 and  over  Total  Book  reader 173168160213714 Non-book  reader 26713014488629 Non-  reader 55199386 Total 4953173133041429

A) H0: There is no relationship between household income and book readership. HA: Household income and book readership are not related.
B) H0: The classifications do not have the same distribution for each household income bracket. HA: The classifications have the same distribution for each household income bracket.
C) H0: Household income and book readership are independent. HA: Household income and book readership are not dependent.
D) H0: The classifications have the same distribution for each household income bracket. HA: The classifications do not have the same distribution for each household income bracket.
E) H0: There is a relationship between household income and book readership. HA: Household income and book readership are not related.

On May 29, 2024



Any optimization model is completely deterministic,that is,no inherent risk exists in using the optimal solution obtained from the model.

On May 28, 2024
