


Market neutral bets can result in ______ volatility because hedge funds use ______.

A) very low; hedging techniques to eliminate risk
B) low; risk management techniques to reduce risk
C) considerable; risk management techniques to reduce risk
D) considerable; considerable leverage

On Jul 29, 2024



Pepito Company purchased 40% of the outstanding stock of Reyes Company on January 1. Reyes reported net income of $75,000 and declared dividends of $15,000 during the current year. How much would Pepito adjust its investment in Reyes Company under the equity method?

On Jul 26, 2024



All of the following are classified as liabilities except:

A) Accounts Receivable.
B) Notes Payable.
C) Wages Payable.
D) Accounts Payable.
E) Taxes Payable.

On Jun 29, 2024



Differentiate between job satisfaction and organizational commitment,and specify some of the costs and benefits that organizations derive from employees who have stronger levels of satisfaction and commitment to the organizations versus those who are not satisfied and who are not committed to the organization.

On Jun 26, 2024

Job Satisfaction reflects the extent to which people find fulfillment in their work. Consequently, an employee may be satisfied with some aspects of the job and dissatisfied with other aspects at the same time. Organizational commitment represents a broader work attitude than job satisfaction because it applies to the entire organization rather than just the job. It refers to the strength of an employee's involvement with the organization and identification with it. Strong organizational commitment is typically characterized by: (1) a support of and acceptance of the organization's goals and values; (2) a willingness to exert considerable effort on behalf of the organization; and (3) a desire to remain with the organization. Organizational commitment is typically a more stable attitude than is job satisfaction, since day-to-day events are less likely to change it.

Managers are interested in the relationships between organizational commitment and job behavior because the lack of commitment often leads to turnover. The stronger an employee's commitment is to the organization, the less likely the person is to quit. Strong commitment also is often associated with low absenteeism and relatively high productivity. Attendance at work is usually higher for employees with strong organization commitment. Moreover, committed individuals tend to be more goal directed and waste less time while at work, which has positive impact on productivity.

The benefits of job satisfaction are a bit more complex. There is no simple, direct linkage between job satisfaction and individual job performance. That is, satisfied employees are not necessarily more productive employees than less satisfied ones. However, when examined at the organizational rather than the individual level, a relationship between satisfaction and performance does emerge. It has been found that organizations with satisfied employees tend to be more effective than organizations with unsatisfied employees because they experience less absenteeism, turnover, higher customer satisfaction, fewer labor grievances, and the like. Finally, it should be noted that one of the benefits of job dissatisfaction is that it can help managers to identify organizational problems that need attention. In this way, impediments to satisfaction and organizational commitment can be removed, and the organization can take steps towards improvement. Effective management can foster increased commitment and loyalty to the organization.


Suppose there are 10 apples and 10 oranges in the economy. Joe is currently consuming 4 apples and 5 oranges, and Jane is consuming 6 apples and 5 oranges. At this allocation, Joe's marginal utility of apples is 3, and his marginal utility of oranges is 5. Jane's marginal utility of apples is 6, and her marginal utility of oranges is 10. If the current price of apples is $4 and the current price of oranges is $5, then there is an:

A) excess demand for apples and an excess supply of oranges.
B) excess demand for oranges and an excess supply of apples.
C) equilibrium in the market with no excess supply or demand for either good.
D) excess supply of apples and oranges.

On May 30, 2024



Variable costs as a percentage of sales for Lemon Inc. are 80%, current sales are $600,000, and fixed costs are $130,000. How much will operating income change if sales increase by $40,000?

A) $8,000 increase
B) $8,000 decrease
C) $30,000 decrease
D) $30,000 increase

On May 27, 2024



Regarding the formation of a general partnership,which of the following is not a legal requirement but has been described as "highly desirable"?

A) A formal,written partnership agreement
B) An oral agreement
C) An exchange of mutual consideration
D) An agreement limiting the liability of the partners

On Apr 30, 2024



Why are negative reputations difficult to repair?

On Apr 27, 2024

The more long-standing the negative reputation,the harder it is to change that reputation to a more positive one.Reputations need to be actively defended and renewed in others eyes.Particularly when any event is likely to be seen by others in a negative light,we must work hard to defend and protect our reputation,and actively work to make sure that others do not remember the experience in a negative way.