Kayhi Culinary Chef Cameo




Select the answer that joins each pair of simple sentences with conjunctions or conjunctive adverbs correctly and is punctuated correctly. Stephen cleans the kitchen and bathroom once a week.
They always look cluttered and messy.

A) Stephen cleans the kitchen and bathroom once a week, so they always look cluttered and messy.
B) Stephen cleans the kitchen and bathroom once a week; however, they always look cluttered and messy.
C) They always look cluttered and messy, although Stephen cleans the kitchen and bathroom once a week.

On Jul 23, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) Some seemingly harmless substances can interfere with the way medicines work inside the body. (2) Take grapefruit juice, for example. (3) It disrupts the action of enzymes that break down drugs in the small intestine before they are absorbed into the bloodstream. (4) Therefore, taking a medication with grapefruit juice may cause the drug to enter the blood in dangerously high concentrations. (5) If this happens, not only is the drug less effective, but serious side effects can result. (6) Many common medications, including antidepressants, antihistamines, and cholesterol drugs, are negatively affected by grapefruit juice.
Select the transitional expression in the paragraph that introduces an illustration:

A) of course
B) for example
C) therefore
D) anyway

On Jul 18, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. Select the correct word for each blank. Next, the ice is smoothed with conditioned water that ____ out of a container.

A) squirts
B) squirt's

On Jul 15, 2024



Read each of the following essay conclusions. Choose the letter of the method the writer used to end the composition. The essay below concludes with a
For all of these reasons, this state should abolish the use of the death penalty. So far, DNA testing and other modern technologies have not yet proven that a person who was executed was actually innocent. But in our imperfect world, with our imperfect court systems, isn't it just a matter of time before that happens?

A) call to action.
B) final point.
C) question.

On Jun 19, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) Just as growing children develop physically in stages, they also progress through stages of moral development. (2) Devised by American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, the stages describe the moral reasoning that guides decision-making. (3) The earliest stage Kohlberg called "pre-conventional." (4) Here, children base their moral decisions on the outcome of a choice. (5) In other words, something is right or wrong depending on whether they will be punished or praised for doing it. (6) The next level is called the "conventional" stage because people at this level base their moral judgments on the conventions of society. (7) Something is right during this stage if most people agree that it is right. (8) Many people do not pass beyond the conventional level of moral reasoning. (9) Those who do have arrived at what Kohlberg termed the "post-conventional" level, a stage at which people base their moral decisions on personal beliefs. (10) People with such convictions will do what they consider is right even if it contradicts social rules or comes with negative consequences.
Select the number of the topic sentence in the paragraph above.

A) Sentence 1
B) Sentence 2
C) Sentence 3

On Jun 18, 2024



Select the letter of the sentence that is correctly punctuated with commas. Which sentence is correctly punctuated?

A) Samuel a dedicated maintenance man, won an award for outstanding service, to the Bugle Box Company.
B) Samuel, a dedicated maintenance man won an award, for outstanding service to the Bugle Box Company.
C) Samuel, a dedicated maintenance man, won an award for outstanding service to the Bugle Box Company.

On Jun 16, 2024



Choose the correct spelling of each of the following words. Choose the correct spelling.

A) foreign
B) foriegn

On Jun 15, 2024



Select the letter of the correct answer for each of the questions below. According to MLA guidelines, where should a source citation appear in an essay?

A) inside the essay in parentheses and at the end of the essay in a Works Cited list
B) at the bottom of the page only
C) at the end of the essay on an Endnotes page

On Jun 13, 2024



Select the correct noun for each blank. Children can sometimes recognize ____ and short words as early as age 2.

A) letter
B) letters

On Jun 11, 2024



Each group of sentences below could be unscrambled and written as a paragraph. Read each group, and select the letter of the topic sentence for each. Select the topic sentence.

A) Using marijuana can cause problems with concentration, memory, thinking, and problem-solving.
B) Particularly for young people, marijuana can lead to increased anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and other mental health problems.
C) Smoking marijuana contributes to auto crashes that injure or kill.
D) Marijuana use harms people in a number of different ways.
E) Long-term use of marijuana can lead to respiratory and cardiac diseases, as well as cancer.

On May 19, 2024