Kayla Campbell STUDENT




In 1939, Jewish refugees arriving in the United States on the St. Louis were ______________________.

A) forced to return to Europe
B) taken as prisoners after the ship was fired on by a German destroyer
C) allowed to enter the United States
D) given honorary Canadian citizenship and allowed to enter that country

On Jul 20, 2024



A series of strikes began in late 1945 and extended through 1946 largely because ________________________.

A) major unions were competing with one another to get the best deal for their members
B) the Communist Party had actively recruited workers during the war and was now ready to assert itself
C) most major corporations had withdrawn vacation and pension benefits that had been extended during the war years
D) with the end of price controls, workers were hit hard by skyrocketing inflation

On Jul 15, 2024



Defend or refute the following statement by presidential adviser and historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.: "In the end [counterinsurgency proved] a ghastly illusion. Its primary consequence was to keep alive the American belief in their capacity and right to intervene in foreign lands."

On Jun 18, 2024

The statement by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. can be both defended and refuted.

On one hand, it can be defended by pointing out that the United States' involvement in counterinsurgency efforts in foreign lands, such as Vietnam and Iraq, did not ultimately achieve their intended goals of stabilizing those regions or promoting democracy. Instead, these interventions often led to prolonged conflicts, loss of life, and instability. This can be seen as a ghastly illusion in the sense that the initial belief in the effectiveness of counterinsurgency was not borne out by the actual outcomes.

On the other hand, it can be refuted by arguing that the intention behind counterinsurgency efforts was not solely to maintain American belief in their capacity and right to intervene in foreign lands. Rather, it was often framed as a means to combat terrorism, promote stability, and support local governance. In some cases, counterinsurgency efforts did have some success in achieving these goals, albeit with significant challenges and limitations.

In conclusion, while there are valid points to both defend and refute Schlesinger's statement, it is important to consider the complexities and nuances of counterinsurgency efforts and their impact on American foreign policy.


How did most Americans want the new government to handle the debts incurred by the nation in the winning of independence?

A) They believed the government should repudiate those debts.
B) They believed the domestic debt should be paid in full but the foreign debt repudiated.
C) They believed all such debts should be paid at face value.
D) They believed the foreign debt should be paid in full but the domestic debt repudiated.

On Jun 15, 2024



Which of the following was a result of the spread of the French Revolution in Europe?

A) U.S. exports plummeted
B) Trade with the Caribbean was limited
C) Americans were allowed limited neutral trading rights with the French and British
D) Trade opportunities for the Spanish and Portuguese increased

On May 21, 2024



As a consequence of the sinking of the Maine, ______________________.

A) Congress authorized President McKinley's request for $50 million in defense funds
B) Spain agreed to allow the United States to arbitrate the dispute between Cuban insurgents and the Spanish government
C) Cuban terrorists bombed the Spanish embassy in Washington, D.C.
D) Enrique Dupuy de Lôme publicly belittled President McKinley

On May 16, 2024



What sorts of people were members of the Frankfurt Parliament?

A) mainly upper-middle-class professionals
B) mostly nobles
C) mostly members of the Third Estate
D) workers and the lower middle class
E) no one class had a large number of representatives

On May 12, 2024



Trace the women's suffrage movement in the years following the Civil War. How successful was the movement by 1900?

On May 09, 2024

The women's suffrage movement in the years following the Civil War saw significant progress and setbacks. After the Civil War, the 15th Amendment was passed in 1870, granting African American men the right to vote, but it did not extend the same rights to women. This led to the formation of various women's suffrage organizations, such as the National Woman Suffrage Association and the American Woman Suffrage Association, which worked tirelessly to advocate for women's right to vote.

By 1900, the women's suffrage movement had made significant strides, but it was not yet successful in achieving its ultimate goal. Several states had granted women the right to vote in local and school elections, and women had also gained the right to vote in some western states. However, the movement still faced strong opposition from anti-suffrage groups and politicians who believed that women should not have the right to vote.

Overall, the women's suffrage movement by 1900 had made progress, but it was not yet successful in achieving national suffrage for women. It would take several more decades of activism and advocacy before the 19th Amendment was finally passed in 1920, granting women the right to vote nationwide.


What is the name sometimes given to the 1920s U.S. foreign policy?

A) isolationism
B) interventionism
C) Americanism
D) corporativism
E) gradualism

On May 06, 2024



In the Declaration of Independence, what justification did Thomas Jefferson provide as the basis for breaking with Britain?

A) "There is something absurd in supposing a Continent to be perpetually governed by an island."
B) Great Britain had never actually played a role in the economy of the colonies, and their trade remained "completely separate."
C) Since new British rules had forbidden the colonies from continuing the slave trade and slavery was "so central to colonial agriculture," the colonists had no choice.
D) The "heritage of a freeborn Englishman" provided each colonist with the political right to seek democratic representation so long as they were British themselves.
E) Because government derived from the "consent of the governed," the governed had the right to remove that consent.

On May 02, 2024