


What type of research examines relations among measured characteristics, behaviors, and events?

A) longitudinal
B) correlational
C) experimental
D) sequential

On Jul 27, 2024



Describe three examples that show nature and nurture can interact to influence development.

On Jun 30, 2024

Explanations that rely on nature point to inborn genetic traits (heredity), maturational processes, and evolution as causes of developmental change. For example, most infants take their first steps at roughly the same age, suggesting a maturational trend that supports the role of nature in development. An alternative explanation for developmental change is nurture, the view that individuals are molded by the physical and social environment in which they are raised, including the home, school, workplace, neighborhood, and society. From this perspective, although most begin to walk at about the same time, environmental conditions can speed up or slow down the process. Infants who experience malnutrition may walk later than well-nourished infants, and those who are given practice making stepping or jumping movements may walk earlier.
Although developmental scientists once attempted to determine whether development depended on nature or nurture, most now agree that both nature and nurture are important contributors. Thus, walking is heavily influenced by maturation (nature), but experiences and environmental conditions can influence the timing of a child's first steps (nurture). Today developmental scientists attempt to determine how nature and nurture interact and work together to influence how people grow and change throughout life.


According to Hans Selye, resistance to stress is lowest at the __________ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.

A) alarm
B) resistance
C) exhaustion
D) collapse

On Jun 27, 2024



Who contends that personality is determined to a large extent by a person's genes

A)  B.F. Skinner 
B)  Sigmund Freud 
C)  Hans Eysenck 
D)  Abraham Maslow

On May 31, 2024



Which of the following appears to happen when a frustrated person is allowed to act aggressively?

A) His or her need to aggress against others is decreased.
B) He or she gets more aroused, thus increasing future aggression.
C) The tension release reinforces the aggression.
D) He or she becomes more inhibited about aggressing against people in the future.

On May 28, 2024



According to Freud,the ________ is a reservoir of mostly unacceptable thoughts,wishes,feelings,and memories of which we are unaware.

A) self-concept
B) ego
C) unconscious mind
D) superego

On May 05, 2024



From the behavioral perspective, which of the following statements is true of aggression?

A) Unlike nonhumans, humans do not respond to physical reinforcements.
B) Strong, agile organisms are likely to be reinforced for aggressive behavior.
C) Aggressive skills can be learned through repressed impulses.
D) Aggressive skills are mainly acquired by observation of other people acting aggressively.

On May 01, 2024



Brenna perceived Chad's friendliness towards her as threatening and inappropriate because she had been falsely informed that he suffered a psychotic disorder. This best illustrates the

A) dangers of dissociative identity disorder.
B) unreliability of the DSM-IV-TR.
C) biasing power of diagnostic labels.
D) shortcomings of the social-cognitive perspective.

On Apr 28, 2024