


Which behaviors by the nurse indicate a therapeutic relationship with children and families? (Select all that apply.)

A) Spending off-duty time with children and families
B) Asking questions if families are not participating in the care
C) Clarifying information for families
D) Buying toys for a hospitalized child
E) Learning about the family's religious preferences

On Jun 08, 2024

B, C, E


The nurse is caring for a patient with a bacterial infection.After antibiotic treatment is started,the patient develops a generalized itchy rash.What is the most likely reason for the rash?

A) Vasodilation to lower the body temperature
B) An allergic response to the prescribed medication
C) Overloaded temperature release mechanism
D) Development of infectious heat exhaustion

On Jun 07, 2024



The nurse assigned to ACT should explain the program's treatment goal as

A) assisting patients to maintain abstinence from alcohol and other substances of abuse.
B) providing structure and a therapeutic milieu for mentally ill patients whose symptoms require stabilization.
C) maintaining medications and stable psychiatric status for incarcerated inmates who have a history of mental illness.
D) providing services for mentally ill individuals who require intensive treatment to continue to live in the community.

On Jun 03, 2024



Mrs.Ali,a nurse on the surgical floor,has just obtained an order for wrist restraints for a client.What are important safety considerations for the client?

A) Assess the limb restraints every 15 minutes
B) Pad bony prominences before applying the restraint
C) Secure the restraint to the bed side rail
D) Tie the restraint with a firm square knot

On May 09, 2024



Where does the nurse find tubing factor information?

On May 08, 2024

The tubing factor information is found on the label of the equipment package.


Which patient will the nurse assess most\bold{most}most closely for an ileus?

A) A patient with a fecal impaction
B) A patient with chronic cathartic abuse
C) A patient with surgery for bowel disease and anesthesia
D) A patient with suppression of hydrochloric acid from medication

On May 04, 2024



The nurse is caring for an unconscious patient who has an oral airway in place,and who has copious amounts of oral secretions.What may the nurse have to do while caring for this patient? (Select all that apply. )

A) Cleanse the mouth frequently using lemon glycerin swabs.
B) Replace or clean the oral airway.
C) Suction the oral cavity frequently.
D) Keep the airway in place for extended periods.

On May 03, 2024



A patient with diabetes is diligent about testing blood sugar before meals.Which model is the nurse using when the nurse realizes the patient is taking preventative actions for health and represents the third component of this model?

A) Basic Human Needs
B) Health Belief
C) Holistic Health
D) Tertiary Prevention

On May 01, 2024



Which should the nurse teach about prevention of sickle cell crises to parents of a preschool child with sickle cell disease? (Select all that apply.)

A) Limit fluids at bedtime.
B) Notify the health care provider if a fever of 38.5° C (101.3° F) or greater occurs.
C) Give penicillin as prescribed.
D) Use ice packs to decrease the discomfort of vasoocclusive pain in the legs.
E) Notify the health care provider if your child begins to develop symptoms of a cold.

On Apr 30, 2024

B, C, E