Kesie Uthayavannan




Which of the following is a type of inventory shortage cost?

A) Storage and tracking costs.
B) Insurance and taxes.
C) Restocking costs.
D) Losses due to obsolescence.
E) Opportunity cost of capital invested in inventory.

On Jul 08, 2024



What are some differences between charismatic and transformational leadership?

On Jul 06, 2024

Student answers may vary. Transformational leaders probably do more things that will empower followers and make them less dependent on the leader, such as developing follower skills and self-confidence, delegating significant authority to individuals or teams, providing direct access to sensitive information, eliminating unnecessary controls, and building a strong culture to support empowerment. Charismatic leaders probably do more things that foster an image of extraordinary competence for the leader and increase subordinate dependence, such as impression management, information restriction, unconventional behavior, and personal risk taking. Another likely difference between transformational and charismatic leadership involves how often each type of leadership occurs and the facilitating conditions for it. According to Bass, transformational leaders can be found in any organization at any level, and this type of leadership is universally relevant for all types of situations. In contrast, truly charismatic leaders are rare, and their emergence appears to be more dependent on unusual conditions. They are most likely to be visionary entrepreneurs who establish a new organization, or reformers who emerge in an established organization when formal authority has failed to deal with a severe crisis and traditional values and beliefs are questioned. Another difference involves the way people react to the leaders. The reactions to charismatics are usually more extreme and diverse than reactions to transformational leaders. The affective reaction aroused by charismatics often polarizes people into opposing camps of loyal supporters and hostile opponents. Transformational leaders get a less intense reaction from followers and are unlikely to have this polarizing effect. They are viewed as competent and professional but are not usually considered exciting and exceptional.


A patent on a new product benefits the firm securing it by:

A) limiting the direct imitation of the product by rivals for many years.
B) enabling the firm to retain "trade secrets" about the product.
C) reducing the firm's legal expenses.
D) increasing the speed of diffusion of the new product.

On Jun 08, 2024



According to the Change competency: Target,in order to understand the consumer,Target created a "creative cabinet," a secret team of 12 diverse customers.

On Jun 05, 2024



Use principles of attraction to explain why people use social networking sites,such as Facebook.

On May 09, 2024

People use social networking sites like Facebook because they are attracted to the idea of connecting with others and forming relationships. The principle of attraction suggests that people are drawn to others who are similar to them, and social networking sites provide a platform for individuals to find and connect with like-minded individuals. Additionally, the principle of proximity plays a role, as social networking sites allow people to stay in touch with friends and family members who may be geographically distant. The principle of familiarity also comes into play, as people are attracted to the familiar faces and content that they encounter on social networking sites. Overall, the principles of attraction explain why people are drawn to using social networking sites as a way to connect with others and maintain relationships.


Fences around land at new business location

A) Land improvements
B) Buildings
C) Land
D) Machinery and equipment

On May 06, 2024