


When composing a message,how do good organizational techniques save the writer time?

A) There is less time spent writing and reorganizing
B) There is less time spent determining the distribution channel
C) There is less time spent on research
D) The main idea is harder to define
E) More time can be spent brainstorming

On Sep 28, 2024



What are the three foundational values used to identify ethical issues and why are they important?

On Sep 22, 2024

Three foundational values used to identify ethical issues are integrity, honesty, and fairness.Understanding these foundational values can help identify and developdiscussions and a constructive dialogue on appropriate conduct. Integrityis one of the most important and oft-cited elements of virtue, and refers to beingwhole, sound, and in an unimpaired condition. Integrity is a value that relates to all activities, not just business issues. Integrity relates to product quality, open communication,transparency, and relationships. Therefore, it is a foundational value for managers to buildan ethical internal organizational culture. Honesty refers to truthfulness or trustworthiness. Honesty is necessary to form trusting relationships needed to do business. Without honesty business (and society) could not exist because nobody could trust anyone else to do what they said they would do. Fairness isthe quality of being just, equitable, and impartial. Fairness is needed to ensure justice as well as equitable relationships among stakeholders.​