


List three basic human needs that all customers share.

On Jul 18, 2024

Students' answers will vary. Every customer's needs include being accepted, recognized, and respected by others, being listened to, being treated as an individual, being treated with fairness, being welcomed and acknowledged, feeling appreciated, and feeling comfortable.


Mediation, like arbitration, is often a compulsory process in which the mediator can render a decision that is binding upon the parties.

On Jul 15, 2024



(Scenario: Used-Car Market) Use Scenario: Used-Car Market.If buyers cannot distinguish between lemons and plums,eventually this used-car market will: Scenario: Used-Car Market
In the used-car market,cars of poor quality are called lemons,while cars of good quality are called plums.Suppose that the probability of obtaining a lemon is 60% and the probability of obtaining a plum is 40%.Also,assume that a plum is worth $15,000 and a lemon is worth $3,000.

A) be made up mostly of lemons.
B) have buyers who will have a 50% chance of choosing a plum.
C) be made up mostly of plums.
D) be made up of 50% plums and 50% lemons.

On Jun 17, 2024



If an agent has,within the scope of the agency relationship,committed both negligent and intentional acts resulting in injury to third parties,the principal:

A) may be liable for both the negligent and intentional acts.
B) may effectively limit his or her liability to those third parties if the agent has signed a disclaimer absolving the principal from liability.
C) will be liable under the doctrine of respondeat superior only for the intentional acts of the agent.
D) will never be liable unless he or she actively participated in the acts.

On Jun 14, 2024



We can conclude that there has been inflation since the base year if the GDP price index in the current year is _____.

A) 10
B) equal to zero
C) 20
D) greater than 100
E) negative

On May 18, 2024



The main focus of corporate social responsibility is singular and that is the responsibility of the company to make a profit for the shareholders.

On May 15, 2024
