


________ centers on disagreements that team members have about how to approach a task and who should do what.

A) Proportional conflict
B) Task conflict
C) Perceptual conflict
D) Process conflict

On Jul 18, 2024



A firm has $18,020 in outstanding cheques that have not cleared the bank. The firm also has $23,500 in deposits that have been recorded by the firm but not by the bank. The current available balance is $2,640. What is the status of the net float?

A) Net collection float of $2,840.
B) Net collection float of $5,480.
C) Net collection float of $8,120.
D) Net disbursement float of $2,840.
E) Net disbursement float of $5,480.

On Jul 15, 2024



El Centro Company began the year with owner's equity of $30000. During the year El Centro received additional owner investments of $42000 recorded expenses of $120000 and had owner drawings of $12000. If El Centro's ending owner's equity was $112000 what was the company's revenue for the year?

A) $164000.
B) $172000.
C) $202000.
D) $214000.

On Jun 18, 2024



The characteristics that tend to shape the way a firm manages its people include:

A) the leadership of the top management team
B) the firm's culture
C) technology
D) business strategy
E) all of the above

On Jun 15, 2024



Discuss the skills required for project management as defined by Thamhain.

On May 19, 2024

Thamhain categorized project management skills into three types of skills, interpersonal, technical, and administrative skills.
Interpersonal skills - These skills include providing direction, communication, assisting with problem solving, and dealing effectively with people without having authority.
Technical expertise - Technical knowledge gives the project manager the creditability to provide leadership on a technically based project, the ability to understand important aspects of the project, and the ability to communicate in the language of the technicians.
Administrative skills - This involves planning, organizing, and controlling the work.


Describe how communities of practice and brand communities can benefit companies.

On May 16, 2024

Social networks are a natural tool for bringing together communities of practice-people who engage in similar work-and communities of interest-people who share enthusiasm for a particular product or activity.Large and geographically dispersed companies can benefit greatly from communities of practice that connect experts who may work in different divisions or different countries.Communities of interest that form around a specific product are sometimes called brand communities,and nurturing these communities can be a vital business communication task.Some communities spring up spontaneously when product enthusiasts connect online,while others are more formal organizations established by companies to help customers use their products more successfully and engage with like-minded individuals.