


According to Howard Becker,a person has to go through a three-step process to learn to become a marijuana user.Which of the following is NOT one of them?

A) learning where to find the drug
B) learning the technique to get high
C) learning to recognize the drug effects
D) learning to enjoy the drug effects

On Sep 26, 2024



Why is culture significant for individual human beings and for societies, respectively? Illustrate your answer with examples.

On Sep 23, 2024

Culture is significant for individual human beings because it shapes their identity, beliefs, values, and behaviors. It provides a sense of belonging and connection to a community, and it influences how individuals perceive the world around them. For example, someone raised in a culture that values collectivism and interdependence may prioritize group harmony and cooperation, while someone from a culture that emphasizes individualism may prioritize personal achievement and autonomy.

Culture is also significant for societies because it provides a framework for social organization, communication, and cooperation. It shapes the norms and customs that govern social interactions and relationships, and it influences the way societies address challenges and solve problems. For example, the culture of a society may dictate how conflicts are resolved, how resources are distributed, and how decisions are made within a community.

Furthermore, culture plays a crucial role in preserving and transmitting knowledge, traditions, and heritage from one generation to the next. It provides a sense of continuity and stability, and it fosters a shared sense of history and identity among members of a society. For example, cultural practices such as storytelling, music, and art serve as a means of passing down knowledge and traditions, and they contribute to the preservation of a society's cultural heritage.

In summary, culture is significant for both individual human beings and societies because it shapes identity, influences behavior, provides a framework for social organization, and preserves knowledge and traditions. It is an essential aspect of human existence and plays a crucial role in shaping the way individuals and societies interact with the world around them.