


What should the nurse, who is caring for an American Indian woman seeking help to regulate her diabetes, anticipate or expect of the patient?

A) Will comply with the treatment prescribed
B) Has given up her belief in naturalistic causes of disease
C) May also be seeking the assistance of a shaman or medicine man
D) Will need extra help in dealing with her illness and may be experiencing a crisis of faith

On Jun 30, 2024



Which of the following is the best example of a health inequity?

A) A Mexican American woman with diabetes who receives less attention from the physician because of her ethnicity
B) A low-income woman whose children get sick repeatedly because she refused to have them vaccinated
C) A gay man who must drive a long distance to visit the health care provider of his choice
D) A Muslim woman who is shunned by her neighbors because of her religion

On Jun 20, 2024



The nurse admits a patient to the surgical unit from the postanesthesia care unit.The patient has an oral airway in place and awakens only to painful stimuli.What is the priority nursing action?

A) Remove the oral airway and elevate the head of the bed.
B) Position the patient with the head turned to the side.
C) Measure vital signs and check surgical dressing.
D) Call the surgeon and obtain postoperative prescriptions.

On Jun 18, 2024



One bed is available on the inpatient eating disorders unit. Which patient should be admitted? The patient whose weight dropped from:

A) 150 to 100 pounds over a 4-month period. Vital signs: temperature, 35.9° C; pulse, 38 beats/min; blood pressure, 60/40 mm Hg.
B) 120 to 90 pounds over a 3-month period. Vital signs: temperature, 36° C; pulse, 50 beats/min; blood pressure, 70/50 mm Hg.
C) 110 to 70 pounds over a 4-month period. Vital signs: temperature, 36.5° C; pulse, 60 beats/min; blood pressure, 80/66 mm Hg.
D) 90 to 78 pounds over a 5-month period. Vital signs: temperature, 36.7° C; pulse, 62 beats/min; blood pressure, 74/48 mm Hg.

On May 21, 2024



Through a unitary lens,the question was framed as: What is the quality of being in _______________ that is called "caring" within other theoretical contexts?

A) Mutual process
B) Pandimensionality
C) Manifesting intentions
D) Human-field patterning

On May 19, 2024



The nurse administers a medication to the wrong patient but the patient suffers no harm from the medication error.What actions should the nurse take? (Select all that apply. )

A) Prepare a written incident report.
B) Document in the nurses' notes that an incident report was completed.
C) Report the incident to a manager only if the patient is harmed.
D) Notify the prescriber.

On May 18, 2024