


Which of the following is an example of an expansionary monetary policy?

A) A reduction in government purchases of goods and services
B) An increase in the discount rate
C) An open market sale of U.S.government securities
D) A reduction in the required reserve ratio
E) A tax cut

On Jun 05, 2024



How does consumer optimism or pessimism affect spending?

On Jun 05, 2024

When people are pessimistic about their prospects and about the state of the economy, they tend to cut back their spending and take on less debt. On the other hand, when they are optimistic about the future, they tend to reduce the amount they save, take on more debt, and buy discretionary items. Thus, the overall savings rate is influenced by (1) consumers' pessimism or optimism about their personal circumstances cultural differences in attitudes toward saving.


What would be an appropriate explanation for classifying clerical and administrative salaries as an indirect cost in the Wood Panel Plant example?

A) those costs are directly associated with this particular training program
B) those costs would have been incurred even if the program were cancelled by management
C) this classification decision was the authors' choice
D) clerical and administrative staff support many different departments, not just HR

On May 07, 2024



Other things equal, larger wage differences between nations tend to increase the flow of immigration toward the country with higher wage opportunities.

On May 06, 2024
