


Daniel is a general partner in a real estate investment firm. Hank and Barry are limited partners. Daniel, without the consent or ratification of Hank and Barry, can:

A) admit another limited partner.
B) act as an agent of the partnership.
C) rename the partnership using Hank's last name.
D) not have almost exclusive managerial control of the business.

On Jul 05, 2024



Suppose that in Horsehead, Massachusetts, the cost of operating a lobster boat is $4,000 per month.Suppose that if x lobster boats operate in the bay, the total monthly revenue from lobster boats in the bay is $1,000(12x  x2) .If there are no restrictions on entry and new boats come into the bay until there is no profit to be made by a new entrant, then the number of boats who enter will be X1.If the number of boats that operate in the bay is regulated to maximize total profits, the number of boats in the bay will be X2.

A) X1  8 and X2  8.
B) X1  4 and X2  2.
C) X1  8 and X2  4.
D) X1  12 and X2  8.
E) None of the above.

On Jul 05, 2024



A security interest in consumer goods is always automatically perfected upon attachment.

On Jun 06, 2024



a. How do you distinguish between tangible and intangible property?
b. How do you distinguish between real and personal property?

On Jun 05, 2024

a. Tangible property exists in a physical form, such as a home or a chair. Intangible property is property that does not exist in a physical form, such as the rights represented by a stock certificate or a promissory note.
b. Real property is land and all interests in it, as well as fixtures. Personal is every other thing or interest, such as a car, desk, or hat.


Risk is defined as the uncertainty of a profit or a loss.

On May 07, 2024



In the Job Characteristics Model, autonomy is the core job characteristic that leads to the critical psychological state known as "experienced responsibility for outcomes of work."

On May 06, 2024
