


Gainsharing is a type of team compensation.

On Jul 13, 2024



Financing lease payments are expensed each period and therefore the lease is not reflected on the balance sheet.

On Jul 10, 2024



In the 1960s dark comedy classic Dr.Strangelove, the Soviet Union constructs a Doomsday Machine that will destroy all life on earth automatically if the Soviet Union is attacked.The Doomsday Machine can never be turned off or disabled.Which of the following would best explain why the Soviets would build the Doomsday Machine?

A) This is a completely irrational action.
B) This is an example of the use of spurious information to influence outcomes.
C) This is an example of the negative framing effect.
D) By removing the choice of whether or not to retaliate, the Soviets increase the chance that the United States will not attack.
E) The Soviets would gain utility from destroying all life on earth.

On Jun 13, 2024



Which of the following agents would not have authority to contract with third parties on behalf of the principal?

A) A salesman who sells his employer's goods.
B) A manager who hires employees for the store owner.
C) A factory worker hired to operate a machine.
D) A buyer who regularly buys merchandise for a store.

On Jun 10, 2024



The ______ requires companies to file paperwork with the Securities and Exchange Commission faster,to create a more transparent means of collecting and posting financial data,and to test their procedures for posting accurate,timely information.

A) International Organizations Immunity Act
B) Interest Equalization Act
C) Sarbanes-Oxley Act
D) Smoot-Howley Act

On May 14, 2024



What are the main ways brand managers can use Twitter?

On May 11, 2024

With the 280-character limit on tweets, brand managers cannot expect extensive comments on their brands. But they can use social media management tools like TweetDeck or HootSuite to see what Twitter users are saying-good and bad-about both their own brands and competitive ones. They can then respond to the negative comments and retweet the positive ones. Managers can also use interactive video and live video features on Twitter to get users engaged with their brands. Brand managers can utilize several strategies for listening to and interacting with current and potential consumers using Twitter. For example, they can generate brand buzz by developing an official Twitter profile, recruiting followers, and showing photos and videos of their products. They can also follow the Twitter profiles that mention their product and monitor what is being said, responding to user criticisms to develop happier customers. Finally, they can tweet and video stream on topics that provide information of value to their consumers.