


Describe the different ways to define a product as new.

On May 07, 2024

The term new in relation to a new product is difficult to define. There are several ways to view the newness of a product. These include: (1) newness compared with existing products (functionally different from existing offerings); (2) newness from the consumer's perspective (the effects of a new product on consumption patterns based on the degree of learning consumers require); (3) newness in legal terms (the FTC defines new during the first six months after a product enters regular distribution); and (4) newness from the organization's perspective (a product line extension, a significant jump in innovation, a brand extension, or a radical invention).


Which statement is true?

A) The finance department has an oversight responsibility for the effective management of the money other departments spend.
B) The Vice President of Finance is usually a position very different from that of a CFO.
C) The finance department will oversee the selling of stock, but not the paying of dividends.
D) Individual departments determine the feasibility of projects, while the finance department is only concerned with the funding of the project.

On May 06, 2024