


The extra revenue that results from hiring another worker is

A) the marginal revenue of output.
B) the marginal revenue product of labor.
C) the average revenue of output.
D) the marginal input cost.

On Jul 13, 2024



If the number of people employed rises by 180,000 and the number of people unemployed falls by 200,000 while the adult population stays the same, then the labor force participation rate rises.

On Jul 12, 2024



XYZ Ltd.has just introduced a performance-based reward system for all production employees.The plan pays employees a team-based bonus based on the reduction of labor costs per unit in the production department.Describe three strategies to ensure that this and other performance-based reward systems are effective.Your answer should also briefly state the type of reward system used by XYZ Ltd.

On Jun 13, 2024

XYZ Ltd.has introduced a form of gainsharing plan.By identifying ways to reduce labor and/or material costs, employees share subsequent financial gains with the company using a predetermined formula.Bonuses are distributed monthly or quarterly and some of the money is withheld in case productivity falls.The textbook describes five ways to improve performance-based reward systems.To answer this question, students can describe any three of these problems with specific reference to this gainsharing plan.
Link rewards to performance.One common problem is that many companies have a poor pay-for-performance linkage.This is less of a problem with gainsharing plans because rewards are linked to performance (reduced labor costs) through an objective formula.This minimizes bias and politics.However, students might note that gainsharing formulas might be flawed, and they might suggest ways to minimize these errors.
Ensure that rewards are relevant.The production group might perform better simply because situational factors are operating in their favor.For example, they might increase labor efficiency because of a falling currency or the introduction of new technology.
Use team rewards for interdependent jobs.Labor efficiency in the production department might be affected by people in other departments.For example, labor efficiency might drop because the purchasing department ordered the wrong supplies.
Ensure that rewards are valued.Many so-called rewards don't motivate employees because they aren't valued by the people who receive them.As an example, many production employees at XYZ Ltd.might prefer time off with pay rather than a financial bonus.
Watch out for unintended consequences.Performance-based reward systems sometimes influence different behaviors than management intended.For example, XYZ Ltd.'s gainsharing plan might motivate employees to waste and misuse materials in order to reduce labor costs.


According to the Change Competency: Mark Hurd,CEO;until the recent recession Hewlett-Packard's stock prices have more than doubled for the company during Mark's tenure at H-P.

On Jun 12, 2024



Which perceptual distortion stated in the textbook is explained as something that takes place when people rank something higher or lower than they should as a result of exposure to recent events or situations?

A) primacy effect
B) contrast effect
C) selective attention
D) self-fulfilling prophecy

On May 14, 2024



At the end of its first year of operations,the records of Roadmaster Auto Rentals show the following information.$52,000 of cash dividends were paid during the year.Prepare a December income statement,a December statement of retained earnings,and a December 30 balance sheet.
At the end of its first year of operations,the records of Roadmaster Auto Rentals show the following information.$52,000 of cash dividends were paid during the year.Prepare a December income statement,a December statement of retained earnings,and a December 30 balance sheet.

On May 13, 2024