


Researchers determined that 60 Kleenex tissues is the average number of tissues used during a cold. Suppose a random sample of 100 Kleenex users yielded the following data on the number of tissues used during a cold: Researchers determined that 60 Kleenex tissues is the average number of tissues used during a cold. Suppose a random sample of 100 Kleenex users yielded the following data on the number of tissues used during a cold:   = 52 and s = 22. Suppose the test statistic does fall in the rejection region at   = 0.05. Which of the following conclusions is correct? A)  At= 0.05, we do not reject B)  At= 0.05, we reject C)  At= 0.05, we accept D)  At= 0.10, we do not reject E)  none of these = 52 and s = 22. Suppose the test statistic does fall in the rejection region at Researchers determined that 60 Kleenex tissues is the average number of tissues used during a cold. Suppose a random sample of 100 Kleenex users yielded the following data on the number of tissues used during a cold:   = 52 and s = 22. Suppose the test statistic does fall in the rejection region at   = 0.05. Which of the following conclusions is correct? A)  At= 0.05, we do not reject B)  At= 0.05, we reject C)  At= 0.05, we accept D)  At= 0.10, we do not reject E)  none of these = 0.05. Which of the following conclusions is correct?

A) At= 0.05, we do not reject
B) At= 0.05, we reject
C) At= 0.05, we accept
D) At= 0.10, we do not reject
E) none of these

On Jul 13, 2024



Use the Distributive Property to simplify x(5x−6y) x ( 5 x - 6 y ) x(5x6y) .

A) 5x2−6xy25 x ^ { 2 } - 6 x y ^ { 2 }5x26xy2
B) 10x−6xy10 x - 6 x y10x6xy
C) 5x2−6y5 x ^ { 2 } - 6 y5x26y
D) 10x−6y10 x - 6 y10x6y
E) 5x2−6xy5 x ^ { 2 } - 6 x y5x26xy

On Jul 09, 2024



If $300,000 is used to purchase an annuity earning 4.5% compounded monthly and paying $2,500 at the end of each month, what will be the term of the annuity? Include the final, smaller annuity payment in the total.

On Jun 13, 2024

13 years and 4 months


In a multiple regression analysis involving 40 observations and 5 independent variables,the following statistics are given: Total variation in y = 350 and SSE = 50.Then,the coefficient of determination is:

A) 0.8408
B) 0.8571
C) 0.8469
D) 0.8529

On Jun 09, 2024



Morgan has decided to make contributions of $250 to her Retirement Savings Plan (RSP) at the end of each month for 30 years. She anticipates that her RSP will earn 12.75% compounded monthly. She is 20 years old now and therefore he will be only 50 when this plan is completed. How much money will be in her RSP when she is 50 years of age?

A) $284,671
B) $641,893
C) $962,357
D) $1,033,348
E) $2,763,932

On May 13, 2024



Use a special product pattern to find the product (x+9) (x−9) ( x + 9 ) ( x - 9 ) (x+9) (x9) .

A) x2−18x+81x ^ { 2 } - 18 x + 81x218x+81
B) x2−81x ^ { 2 } - 81x281
C) x2+81x ^ { 2 } + 81x2+81
D) x2+18x+81x ^ { 2 } + 18 x + 81x2+18x+81
E) x2−18x ^ { 2 } - 18x218

On May 10, 2024