


Discuss World War II's impact on ethnic minorities in America. How did the experiences of Asian-Americans, Native Americans, and Mexican-Americans compare? How did their experiences differ on both the individual and group levels? Be sure to consider these experiences in the context of the war on all fronts when composing your response.

On Jul 29, 2024

World War II had a significant impact on ethnic minorities in America, including Asian-Americans, Native Americans, and Mexican-Americans. Each group experienced the war in different ways, and their experiences varied on both the individual and group levels.

Asian-Americans faced discrimination and prejudice during World War II, particularly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The Japanese-American community, in particular, was subjected to widespread suspicion and hostility, leading to the internment of over 100,000 Japanese-Americans in camps across the United States. This experience had a profound impact on the Japanese-American community, as they were forcibly removed from their homes and businesses and faced harsh living conditions in the internment camps.

Native Americans also played a significant role in World War II, with many serving in the military and contributing to the war effort. Despite their contributions, Native Americans continued to face discrimination and marginalization at home. Additionally, the federal government's policy of assimilation and forced boarding school attendance had already disrupted Native American communities, and the war further exacerbated these challenges.

Mexican-Americans also faced discrimination and inequality during World War II. Many Mexican-Americans served in the military, but they often faced segregation and unequal treatment. Additionally, the Bracero Program, which brought Mexican laborers to the United States to fill labor shortages, exposed Mexican-Americans to exploitation and poor working conditions.

On an individual level, members of these ethnic minority groups faced discrimination, prejudice, and challenges in accessing resources and opportunities. On a group level, these experiences led to a greater sense of solidarity and activism within their communities. For example, Japanese-Americans formed organizations to advocate for their rights and seek reparations for the injustices they faced during internment. Similarly, Native American and Mexican-American communities organized to address the systemic inequalities and discrimination they experienced.

Overall, World War II had a complex and varied impact on ethnic minorities in America. While each group faced unique challenges, their experiences also led to greater resilience, activism, and a push for civil rights and equality in the post-war era. Understanding the experiences of these ethnic minority groups in the context of the war on all fronts is essential for recognizing the lasting impact of World War II on America's diverse population.


During the 1932 election, FDR

A) promised a "new deal."
B) provided great detail of the plan he would put into practice.
C) praised Hoover on his spending policy.
D) explained why he would continue with Prohibition.
E) was the candidate of the Republican Party.

On Jul 26, 2024



Despite talk of the glories of the free market, government policies during the 1950s played a crucial role in the postwar economic boom.

On Jun 29, 2024



Why did John F. Kennedy and Soviet Communist Party Chairman Nikita Khrushchev meet in Vienna in June 1961?

A) discuss the future of Austria
B) discuss the Berlin question
C) resolve the Cuban missile crisis
D) find an agreement on Vietnam

On Jun 26, 2024



The nineteenth century witnessed a larger number of women entering the workplace.The largest category of female employment was in

A) factories.
B) large farms.
C) prostitution.
D) service professions (nurses,teachers,etc. ) .
E) domestic service.

On Jun 24, 2024



Compare the economic policies of the American System with those of Alexander Hamilton. What was similar? What was different? How do you think Hamilton would have rated presidents such as John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson?

On May 29, 2024

The American System was a set of economic policies proposed by Henry Clay in the early 19th century, which aimed to promote economic growth and protect domestic industries. Alexander Hamilton, on the other hand, was the first Secretary of the Treasury and proposed his own economic policies to strengthen the federal government and promote economic development.

One similarity between the American System and Hamilton's economic policies is their focus on protectionism and the promotion of domestic industries. Both systems advocated for tariffs to protect American manufacturers from foreign competition and to encourage economic self-sufficiency.

However, there were also differences between the two. Hamilton's policies were more focused on centralizing power in the federal government and establishing a national bank to manage the country's finances, while the American System proposed internal improvements such as infrastructure development and a national transportation network.

In terms of how Hamilton would have rated presidents such as John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, it is likely that he would have been more favorable towards Adams due to his support for internal improvements and protective tariffs. Jackson, on the other hand, was known for his opposition to the national bank and his support for states' rights, which would have likely put him at odds with Hamilton's economic vision.

Overall, Hamilton would have likely rated presidents who supported protectionist economic policies and federal government intervention in the economy more favorably, while those who opposed these measures would have received a less favorable rating from him.


The Wilmot Proviso:

A) Transformed the debate over the War with Mexico into a debate over the expansion of slavery
B) Led to the annexation of Texas by joint resolution of Congress
C) Increased Northern fears of the Slave Power
D) Caused Southerners to become outspoken opponents of the War with Mexico

On May 26, 2024



The abolitionists' greatest achievement lay in shattering the conspiracy of silence that had sought to preserve national unity by suppressing public debate over slavery. Explain how the abolitionists achieved this and comment on how successful the movement was or was not.

On May 24, 2024

The abolitionists achieved their greatest achievement of shattering the conspiracy of silence through various means. They utilized public speaking, writing, and organizing to bring attention to the horrors of slavery and to challenge the prevailing narrative that it was a necessary evil for the unity of the nation. Abolitionist leaders such as Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and William Lloyd Garrison used their platforms to speak out against slavery and to demand its immediate end. They also organized protests, petitions, and other forms of activism to bring attention to the issue and to pressure the government to take action.

The success of the abolitionist movement can be seen in the fact that they were able to bring the issue of slavery to the forefront of public debate. Their efforts led to the passage of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, which declared all slaves in Confederate-held territory to be free. Additionally, the abolitionist movement played a crucial role in the eventual passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which formally abolished slavery in the United States.

However, it is important to note that the abolitionist movement faced significant opposition and was not universally successful. Many Americans, particularly in the South, continued to support slavery and resisted the efforts of the abolitionists. The movement also faced internal divisions and disagreements over tactics and strategies. Furthermore, while the abolition of slavery was a major achievement, it did not immediately lead to full equality for African Americans, who continued to face discrimination and oppression in the years following the Civil War.

In conclusion, the abolitionist movement was successful in shattering the conspiracy of silence surrounding slavery and in ultimately achieving the abolition of the institution. However, the movement also faced significant challenges and its impact was not fully realized until many years later. Nonetheless, the abolitionists' efforts were crucial in laying the groundwork for the eventual end of slavery and the ongoing struggle for civil rights and equality.


Discuss the basic beliefs and characteristics of the Republican faction, and explain how the actions and decisions of the Republicans demonstrated those beliefs.

On May 23, 2024

The Republican faction in the United States is known for its conservative beliefs and values. Some of the basic beliefs and characteristics of the Republican faction include a focus on limited government intervention, individual freedom and responsibility, free market capitalism, and a strong national defense.

The actions and decisions of the Republicans have demonstrated these beliefs in various ways. For example, Republicans have consistently advocated for lower taxes and less government regulation, arguing that this allows individuals and businesses to thrive and succeed without unnecessary interference from the government. They have also supported policies that promote personal responsibility, such as welfare reform and work requirements for government assistance programs.

In terms of economic policy, Republicans have championed free market capitalism and have opposed government intervention in the economy, believing that a competitive and open market leads to innovation and prosperity. They have also prioritized national security and defense, advocating for a strong military and robust foreign policy to protect the country and its interests.

Overall, the actions and decisions of the Republicans have reflected their beliefs in limited government, individual freedom and responsibility, free market capitalism, and a strong national defense. These principles have guided their policy positions and legislative priorities, shaping their approach to governance and decision-making.


The Democrats chose James Buchanan as their presidential nominee in 1856 largely because he had ______________.

A) been a highly respected Senate majority leader
B) taken a strong position against the expansion of slavery
C) acquired fame as a commanding general in the War with Mexico
D) not been involved in the territorial controversies

On May 22, 2024