


Nurses in early hospitals tended to avoid hiring because of potential legal pitfalls.

On Jun 24, 2024



The nurse sees on the cardiorespiratory monitor that the patient's cardiac rhythm has changed from normal sinus rhythm to ventricular fibrillation.The nurse knows that the most effective means of converting this rhythm is:

A) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) .
B) defibrillation.
C) oxygen.
D) precordial thump.

On Jun 21, 2024



Parents of a 12-year-old child ask the clinic nurse, "How many hours of sleep should our child get?" The nurse should respond that 12-year-old children need how many hours of sleep at night?

A) 8
B) 9
C) 10
D) 11

On Jun 20, 2024



In determining malnourishment in a patient, which assessment finding is consistent with this disorder?

A) Moist lips
B) Pink conjunctivae
C) Spoon-shaped nails
D) Not easily plucked hair

On May 22, 2024



Place in order the expected sequence of fine motor developmental milestones for an infant beginning with the first milestone achieved and ending with the last milestone achieved. Provide answer using lowercase letters separated by commas (e.g., a, b, c, d, e).
A) Voluntary palmar grasp
B) Reflex palmar grasp
C) Puts objects into a container
D) Neat pincer grasp
E) Builds a tower of two blocks, but fails

On May 21, 2024

B, A, D, C, E
Grasping occurs during the first 2 to 3 months as a reflex and gradually becomes voluntary. By 5 months, infants are able to voluntarily grasp objects. Gradually, the palmar grasp (using the whole hand) is replaced by a pincer grasp (using the thumb and index finger). By 8 to 10 months of age, infants use a crude pincer grasp, and by 11 months, they have progressed to a neat pincer grasp. By 11 months, they put objects into containers and like to remove them. By age 1 year, infants try to build towers of two blocks but fail.


A nurse is assessing a patient's risk for contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) . What is an appropriate question to ask this patient?

A) "Do you have a sexually transmitted infection?"
B) "You are aware of the dangers of unprotected sex, aren't you?"
C) "You know that it's important to use condoms for protection, right?"
D) "Do you use a condom with each episode of sexual intercourse?"

On May 20, 2024