


A $4,000 obligation is to be repaid by three payments. The first payment is now, the second is 18 months from now, and the final payment is in 24 months. In addition, the second payment will be half the amount of the first, while the third payment will be twice as much as the first. Interest is 4.8% compounded quarterly. Using the financial functions on the calculator, determine the size of each payment.

A) Payment #1 = $1218.24; Payment #2 = $609.12; Payment #3 = $2436.48
B) Payment #1 = $500; Payment #2 = $250; Payment #3 = $1,000
C) Payment #1 = $2520.50; Payment #2 = $1,260.25; Payment #3 = $5,041
D) Payment #1 = $3,300.75; Payment #2 = $1,650.38; Payment #3 = $6,601.50
E) Payment #1 = $875.50; Payment #2 = $437.75; Payment #3 = $1,751

On Jul 21, 2024



{Weights of Police Officers Narrative} Determine the location and value of the 60th percentile of the weights.

On Jul 17, 2024

Location = L60 = 15.6 and value of the 60th percentile = 164 + 0.60(165 − 164)= 164.6 pounds.


There is ____________________ error in estimating a mean than in predicting an individual value.

On Jun 18, 2024



If the probability of committing a Type I error for a given test is to be decreased, then for a fixed sample size n, which of the following statements is true?

A) The power of the test will increase.
B) The probability of committing a Type II error will increase.
C) The probability of committing a Type II error will decrease.
D) A two-tailed test must be used.
E) The probability of committing a Type II error will decrease and a two-tailed test must be used.

On Jun 15, 2024



Two equal payments, 50 days and 150 days after the date of the loan, paid off a $3000 loan at 8.25%. What was the amount of each payment?

On May 19, 2024



How does a positive slope differ from a negative slope?

On May 16, 2024

A correlation coefficient is a numerical index that reflects the relationship between two variables.The value of the correlation coefficient ranges from -1.0 to +1.0.