


Accepting suggestions is a "must have" team skill.

On Jul 20, 2024



Which of the following is true of good report problems?

A) They should be hinted at but never explicitly mentioned in the report.
B) They should be solvable in the time you have available.
C) Their solutions should remain unclear even after the report has been produced.
D) They should include a broad range of issues.
E) They should have no effect on or relationship to the purpose statement.

On Jul 19, 2024



If the initial distribution of labor and capital is Pareto optimal, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A) It is possible to reallocate labor and capital across industries so as to increase the production of one good without decreasing the production of another good.
B) It is possible to reallocate labor and capital across industries so as to increase the production of one good, but only by reducing the production of another good.
C) It is possible to reallocate labor and capital across industries so as to increase the production of every good.
D) none of the above

On Jun 20, 2024



In terms of core values, which of the following is a difference between adaptive organizational cultures and nonadaptive organizational cultures?

A) In adaptive organizational cultures, most managers care deeply about customers, whereas in nonadaptive organizational cultures, most managers care mainly about themselves.
B) In adaptive organizational cultures, managers value the orderly and risk-reducing management process, whereas in nonadaptive organizational cultures, managers strongly value leadership initiatives.
C) In adaptive organizational cultures, managers are often corrupt, whereas in nonadaptive organizational cultures, managers are mostly honest.
D) In adaptive organizational cultures, managers are reluctant to change their strategies as per customer requirements, whereas in nonadaptive organizational cultures, managers initiate change when needed.

On Jun 19, 2024



Summarize the four tasks involved in completing business reports and proposals.

On May 21, 2024

When you have finished your first draft you need to perform four tasks to complete your document: revise, produce, proofread, and distribute.
The revision process is essentially the same for reports as for other business messages, although it may take considerably longer, depending on the length of your document.
Evaluate your organization, style, and tone to make sure that your content is clear, logical, and reader oriented. Then work to improve the report's readability by varying sentence length, keeping paragraphs short, using lists and bullets, and adding helpful headings and subheadings.
After assembling your report or proposal in its final form, review it thoroughly one last time, looking for inconsistencies, errors, and missing components. Don't forget to proof your visuals and make sure they are positioned correctly. For online reports, make sure all links work as expected and all necessary files are active and available.


One main point of Frederic Bastiat's satire is that

A) employment, or jobs, is the single most important measure of the standard of living.
B) we should not try to produce what we can get from others at a lower cost.
C) some industries may reasonably require protection in order to grow.
D) exporting is always a worthwhile activity to be supported and enhanced.

On May 20, 2024