


Rienzi Farms grows sugar cane and soybeans on its 500 acres of land. An acre of soybeans brings a $1000 contribution to overhead and profit; an acre of sugar cane has a contribution of $2000. Because of a government program no more than 200 acres may be planted in soybeans. During the planting season 1200 hours of planting time will be available. Each acre of soybeans requires 2 hours, while each acre of sugar cane requires 5 hours. The company seeks maximum contribution (profit) from its planting decision.
a. Algebraically state the decision variables, objective and constraints.
b. Plot the constraints
c. Solve graphically, using the corner-point method. Rienzi Farms grows sugar cane and soybeans on its 500 acres of land. An acre of soybeans brings a $1000 contribution to overhead and profit; an acre of sugar cane has a contribution of $2000. Because of a government program no more than 200 acres may be planted in soybeans. During the planting season 1200 hours of planting time will be available. Each acre of soybeans requires 2 hours, while each acre of sugar cane requires 5 hours. The company seeks maximum contribution (profit) from its planting decision. a. Algebraically state the decision variables, objective and constraints. b. Plot the constraints c. Solve graphically, using the corner-point method.

On Jul 20, 2024

The problem statement is contained in the software panel below. The graphical and corner-point solutions are found in the second and third panels. The optimal solution is 200 acres in soybeans and 160 acres in sugar cane. There's not enough labour to plant all 500 acres when 200 acres are in soybeans.
Rienzi Farms Solution
X1X2 RHS  Dual  Maximize 1,0002,000 Acres 11.□5000. Soybean  restriction 10□200200 Planting  labour 25□1,200400 Solution — 200160520,000\begin{array} { | l | r | r | r | r | r | } \hline & \mathrm { X } 1 & \mathrm { X } 2 & & \text { RHS } & \text { Dual } \\\hline \text { Maximize } & 1,000 & 2,000 & & & \\\hline \text { Acres } & 1 & 1 . & \square & 500 & 0.\\\hline \text { Soybean } & & & & & \\\text { restriction } & 1 & 0 & \square & 200 & 200 \\\hline \text { Planting } & & & & & \\\text { labour } & 2 & 5 & \square& 1,200 & 400 \\\hline \text { Solution --- } & 200 & 160 & & 520,000 & \\\hline\end{array} Maximize  Acres  Soybean  restriction  Planting  labour  Solution — X11,000112200X22,0001.05160 RHS 5002001,200520,000 Dual 0.200400 Corner Points
X1X2Z0002000200,0000240480,000200160520,000\begin{array} { | l | l | l| } \hline X 1 & X 2 & Z \\\hline 0 & 0 & 0 \\\hline 200 & 0 & 200,000 \\\hline 0 & 240 & 480,000 \\\hline 200 & 160 & 520,000 \\\hline\end{array}X102000200X200240160Z0200,000480,000520,000  The problem statement is contained in the software panel below. The graphical and corner-point solutions are found in the second and third panels. The optimal solution is 200 acres in soybeans and 160 acres in sugar cane. There's not enough labour to plant all 500 acres when 200 acres are in soybeans. Rienzi Farms Solution   \begin{array} { | l | r | r | r | r | r | }  \hline & \mathrm { X } 1 & \mathrm { X } 2 & & \text { RHS } & \text { Dual } \\ \hline \text { Maximize } & 1,000 & 2,000 & & & \\ \hline \text { Acres } & 1 & 1 . & \square & 500 & 0.\\ \hline \text { Soybean } & & & & & \\ \text { restriction } & 1 & 0 & \square & 200 & 200 \\ \hline \text { Planting } & & & & & \\ \text { labour } & 2 & 5 & \square& 1,200 & 400 \\ \hline \text { Solution --- } & 200 & 160 & & 520,000 & \\ \hline \end{array}  Corner Points   \begin{array} { | l | l | l| }  \hline X 1 & X 2 & Z \\ \hline 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \hline 200 & 0 & 200,000 \\ \hline 0 & 240 & 480,000 \\ \hline 200 & 160 & 520,000 \\ \hline \end{array}


Positive statements are descriptive, while normative statements are prescriptive.

On Jul 17, 2024



Which of the following is a common criticism of deontological ethical theories?

A) They are excessively pragmatic.
B) They are rigid and excessively formal.
C) They only consider actions by their motives.
D) They fail to consider universal principles.

On Jun 19, 2024



According to the principle of contingent reinforcement,a reinforcer loses effectiveness if it is administered when the desired behavior has not been performed.

On Jun 16, 2024



Which of the following is true regarding the liability of an accommodation party?

A) As a maker, an accommodation party has primary liability; but as an endorser, the party has secondary liability.
B) An accommodation party has primary liability both as a maker and as an endorser.
C) An accommodation party has secondary liability both as a maker and as an endorser.
D) An accommodation party has primary liability as either a maker or endorser only if all other parties to the instrument have filed bankruptcy.
E) An accommodation party has primary liability as a maker only if all other parties have filed bankruptcy, and secondary liability in any other case regardless of whether the accommodation party is the maker or endorser.

On May 20, 2024



The end-of-period spreadsheet

A) is an integral part of the accounting cycle
B) eliminates the need to rewrite the financial statements
C) is a working paper that is required
D) is used to summarize account balances and adjustments for the financial statements

On May 17, 2024