


Which of the following completes the statement,'If an idea is ______,this means it has memorable impact and it stays with us for a long time.'?

A) Sticky.
B) Resonating.
C) Viral.
D) Liked.
E) Supported.

On Jul 29, 2024



A small private university normally charges the same price-$600-per credit-hour for all courses and for all students. While the university is pretty near capacity in the fall and spring, it finds that its classrooms are only about 70% occupied during the summer session. A student of operations management (who has recently read this chapter) wonders if yield management might be useful to both the university and its students alike. This student, with help from some economics majors, estimates a demand curve for summer course enrollment. Points on this demand curve include 7000 credit-hours at the current rate of $600, 8,000 credit hours at $500, 10,000 credit-hours at $400. Based on this demand curve, what price point would best serve the university, if its objective is the greatest revenue for the summer session?

On Jul 26, 2024

The student must consider that since 7000 hours is 70% of capacity there is a classroom capacity of 10,000 credit-hours during the summer session. At $600 per credit hour, revenues would be $4,200,000; at $500, revenues would be $4,000,000; at $400, revenues would be $4,000,000. The $600 price point yields the most revenue of the feasible price points.


The overall coordinating activity of the budget process is the responsibility of the:

A) Chief Accounting Officer.
B) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) .
C) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) .
D) Budget Committee.
E) Board of Directors.

On Jun 28, 2024



In the liquidating process, any uncollected cash becomes a loss to the partnership and is divided among the remaining partners' capital balances based on their income-sharing ratio.

On Jun 25, 2024



What is meant by paralanguage?

On May 29, 2024

Paralanguage, meaning "along with language," is a type of nonverbal communication. Of all the types, it is the closest to communication with word symbols. It has to do with the sound of a speaker's voice-those hints and signals in the way words are delivered, such as emphasis, pitch, and volume, that also give meaning to a speaker's message.


The retail method is used by many manufacturing businesses to estimate the amount of sales.

On May 26, 2024



The presence of lead paint in some of its most popular toys forced ________ to recall hundreds of thousands of toys sold between April and July of 2007.

A) Walmart
B) Hasbro
C) Mattel
D) Remco

On Apr 29, 2024



The most appropriate approach to follow in writing a message presenting the facts about an indirect claim is to:

A) show your anger as you present the facts.
B) state directly that the reader's company was at fault.
C) clearly and objectively present the facts.
D) skillfully avoid stating the negative facts.
E) demand compensation because the facts are already known to the reader.

On Apr 26, 2024