


The inferior mesenteric artery arises from which blood vessel?

A) superior mesenteric artery
B) internal iliac artery
C) abdominal aorta
D) gonadal artery

On Jul 15, 2024



Which of the following statements best distinguishes between tetanus and treppe?

A) Tetanus is due to repeated stimulation of the muscle; treppe is the result of a single long stimulation of the muscle.
B) Tetanus occurs when stimulation of muscle occurs frequently with little to no relaxation between stimuli; treppe occurs when stimulation of muscle occurs frequently, but complete relaxation occurs between stimuli.
C) Tetanus only occurs in laboratory settings, but treppe occurs all the time in normal muscle activity.
D) Tetanus involves increasing the number of motor units stimulated simultaneously; whereas, treppe involves the repeated stimulation of a single muscle fiber.

On Jul 11, 2024