


Discuss the development of self-concept among adolescents.

On Jul 11, 2024

Answers will vary. Before adolescence, children describe themselves primarily in terms of their physical characteristics and their actions. As they approach adolescence, children begin to incorporate psychological characteristics and social relationships into their self-descriptions. Adolescents' self-perceptions become more complex than those of younger children. According to Susan Harter's Self-Perception Profile of academically talented adolescents, many factors come into play. Adolescents may describe themselves as anxious or sarcastic with parents but as talkative and cheerful with friends. Such contradictions and conflicts in self-description reach their peak at about age 14 and then decline. The advanced formal-operational skills of older adolescents allow them to integrate contradictory aspects of the self. The older adolescent might say: "I'm very adaptable. When I'm around my friends, who think that what I say is important, I'm very talkative; but around my family, I'm quiet because they're not interested enough to really listen to me."


A psychologist who emphasizes cognitive processes would be likely to suggest that classical conditioning depends on

A) an organism's behavior in response to environmental stimulation.
B) the amount of time between the presentation of the CS and the US.
C) how frequently an organism is exposed to an association of a CS and a US.
D) an organism's expectation that a US will follow a CS.

On Jul 02, 2024



Explain the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Include in your explanation the functioning of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches.

On Jun 07, 2024

The autonomic nervous system seems to operate almost entirely out of range of conscious control; we have little awareness or direct control of it. The ANS consists of two anatomically distinct parts. The sympathetic branch consists of nerve fibres that emanate from the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord and make contact with a large number of body organs. These include the: heart, stomach and blood vessels. The parasympathetic branch consists of fibres emanating from the cranial and sacral regions of the spinal cord. The sympathetic system arouses the body for vigorous action. The parasympathetic system returns the body to a more quiescent state.


Which of the following statements defines the term "heteronormativity"?

A) It is a set of interrelated ideas used to organize information about the world on the basis of gender.
B) It is the belief that heterosexuality is standard, natural, and superior to all other expressions of sexuality.
C) It is the view that heterosexual men often have more female biological characteristics than homosexual men do.
D) It is a person's internal sense or perception of being male, female, a blend of both, or neither.

On Jun 02, 2024



Behavior therapists look upon illnesses such as depression and hypochondriasis as ________.

A) a result of childhood repression
B) an indication of unconscious problems
C) learned problems to be alleviated
D) biologically transmitted diseases

On May 07, 2024



Connell identifies the two culturally dominant forms of masculinity and femininity as ____________ masculinity and ______________ femininity.

A) violent;passive
B) domineering;submissive
C) macroscopic;microscopic
D) hegemonic;emphasized

On May 03, 2024



As we mature what makes the decade or so from late adolescence through young adulthood particularly important?

On May 03, 2024

Those years are important because those are the years during which we typically are developing the competencies we will need to make a living in a complex society, learning to manage our emotions, moving through autonomy toward interdependence, developing mature interpersonal relationships, establishing our personal identity, developing and refining our sense of purpose, and developing a greater integration of who we are with what we say and do in all circumstances.


Personality psychology is considered a hub topic because it incorporates __________.

A) many different fields of psychology
B) intuition, emotion, and intelligence
C) nature and nurture influences
D) common sense and scientific methodology

On Apr 30, 2024



Research on sex hormones and human sexual behavior indicates that

A) the sexual desire of human females is somewhat lower at ovulation than at other times.
B) male sex offenders typically have lower-than-normal testosterone levels.
C) adult males who suffer castration experience a decline in their sex drive.
D) sexual interests are aroused by decreased testosterone levels in women and increased testosterone levels in men.

On Apr 26, 2024