


The degree to which an individual expresses sophistication and creativity when telling a story accurately reflects how ________ he or she is.

A) extraverted
B) neurotic
C) conscientious
D) open to experience

On Jul 22, 2024



According to the textbook, the ought self resembles Jeffrey Gray's ________ system, whereas the ideal self resembles Gray's ________ system.

A) Go; Stop
B) neuroticism; conscientiousness
C) conscientiousness; neuroticism
D) Stop; Go

On Jul 19, 2024



DSM-5 was designed to provide professionals with a complete list of mental health facilities.

On Jun 22, 2024



Often the issues that you have to resolve quickly on a daily basis are complicated and you don't have time to go through every possible solution. You want a "good enough" answer or one that works most of the time. Define the concept of heuristics. In addition, define availability heuristic and representative heuristic and give an example of each type of heuristic.

On Jun 19, 2024

Heuristics are strategies for simplifying a problem and generating a satisfactory guess.
The availability heuristic is the strategy of assuming that how easily one can remember examples of some kind of item indicates how common the item itself is. An example is believing that more individuals die in plane accidents than motor vehicle accidents due to the increased media coverage associated with plane accidents.
The representative heuristic is the assumption that an item that resembles members of some category is probably another member of that category. An example is: an individual is given the description of a person who is an American civil liberties attorney who supports Planned Parenthood. They are then asked whether it is more likely that the person described is a woman or a feminist woman. If the individual selects a feminist woman rather than a woman, they are not considering base rates and are basing their decision on their prototype of a feminist woman.


The experience of a fugue state is indicative of a(n) ________ disorder.

A) eating
B) personality disorder
C) dissociative
D) emotional intelligence

On May 21, 2024



If you managed a manufacturing plant that ran three rotating shifts, what could you do to help your employees remain in a more normal biological rhythm?

A) keep the lighting soft to mimic the normal amount of light present at night
B) provide machines with choices of many beverages with caffeine
C) use a three-week rotational schedule
D) provide regular vitamin supplements, especially vitamins C and D

On May 18, 2024