


If Y and V are constant and M doubles, the quantity equation implies that the price level

A) more than doubles.
B) changes but less than doubles.
C) doubles.
D) does not change.

On Jun 18, 2024



George has a fixed income and can afford at most 7 units of X if he spends his entire income on X. Alternatively, if he spends all his income on Y, he can afford at most 6 units of Y. Draw George's budget line and an indifference curve such that George chooses to buy 4 pieces of X. Martha has the same income and faces the same prices, yet she chooses to buy 2 pieces of X. In equilibrium, what is George's subjective value of X in terms of Y? What is Martha's?

On Jun 16, 2024

In equilibrium, one unit of X will be worth 6/7 units of Y for both George and Martha. The reason is that each consumer choices a consumption bundle so that MRS is equal to the price ratio. In equilibrium, one unit of X will be worth 6/7 units of Y for both George and Martha. The reason is that each consumer choices a consumption bundle so that MRS is equal to the price ratio.


The Tax Cut of 2003 includes all of the following provisions EXCEPT

A) The child income tax credit was raised from $600 to $1,000.
B) The lowest minimum tax rate was lowered from 15 percent to 10 percent.
C) The highest income tax bracket was reduced from 38.6 percent to 35 percent.
D) The top personal income tax rate paid by stockholders on corporate dividends and on capital gains was lowered to 15 percent.

On May 19, 2024



Google employees indicate that the three reasons they stay are: the mission, the chance to build the skill set of a better leader or entrepreneur and _________________________.

A) the free lunch
B) the quality of the people
C) technology centered management practices
D) PiLab
E) project oxygen

On May 17, 2024