


A 10-year-old child was placed in a foster home after being removed from parental contact because of abuse. The child has apprehension, tremulousness, and impaired concentration. The foster parent also reports the child has an upset stomach, urinates frequently, and does not understand what has happened. What helpful measures should the nurse suggest to the foster parents? The nurse should recommend (Select all that apply)

A) conveying empathy and acknowledging the child's distress.
B) explaining and reinforcing reality to avoid distortions.
C) using a calm manner and low, comforting voice.
D) avoiding repetition in what is said to the child.
E) staying with the child until the anxiety decreases.
F) minimizing opportunities for exercise and play.

On Jul 14, 2024

A, B, C, E


The choice of an arbitrator, as defined in a contract, does not limit options of individuals.

On Jul 11, 2024



Which of the following statements is true regarding nursing values?

A) The CNA Code of Ethics ensures ethical practice.
B) Nursing values can influence the quality of care delivered.
C) Only selected caregiving situations have moral components.
D) Nursing values and beliefs mean the same thing.

On Jun 14, 2024



A school-age child, admitted for intravenous antibiotic therapy for osteomyelitis, reports difficulty in going to sleep at night. Which intervention should the nurse implement to assist the child in going to sleep at bedtime?

A) Request a prescription for a sleeping pill.
B) Allow the child to stay up late and sleep late in the morning.
C) Create a schedule similar to the one the child follows at home.
D) Plan passive activities in the morning and interactive activities right before bedtime.

On Jun 11, 2024