


Read the paragraph below and then answer the questions that follow by selecting the letter of the correct response.
Many young people don't bother to register to vote, and those who do often don't show up at the polls on Election Day. But they should. Why? There are good reasons for every eligible young person to vote in every election. First of all, people ages eighteen to thirty should vote because many of the biggest issues affect the nation's youth. Wars in which young soldiers are dying, education funding, employment and job training programs, and reproductive rights are just a few of the issues that are affecting the lives of young people right now. Young people should help to select government representatives who share their views on these matters. When this country's youth don't vote, they don't have any influence on how these issues are decided, and they allow older people to decide how things will work. Plus, an individual who chooses not to vote really has no right to complain about government decisions he or she doesn't like. Being able to vote is a precious gift, one that no one should take for granted. Many people have fought and died so that all Americans would get and keep the right to participate in a democratic government. To honor their sacrifice, all of the young people in America should register, vote, and make themselves heard!
The purpose of this paragraph is to

A) explain to people how to register to vote.
B) persuade young people to vote.
C) convince readers that democracy is the best type of government.

On Sep 29, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. For each set of choices, select the answer in which conjunctions or conjunctive adverbs are used correctly and the punctuation is correct. Which sentences are correct?

A) It follows exactly the river's path, or the river bends and twists its way into the city. A straight trip on city streets would be two miles shorter.
B) Because it follows exactly the river's path, the river bends and twists its way into the city. A straight trip on city streets would be two miles shorter.
C) It follows exactly the river's path, and the river bends and twists its way into the city. A straight trip on city streets would be two miles shorter.

On Sep 28, 2024



Each question below is an entry for a Works Cited page. Select "Correct" if the entry is correctly formatted according to MLA guidelines or "Incorrect" if the entry is not correctly formatted. "Save Money, Save the Environment" by Maura Judkis, U.S. News & World Report , April 2010, pp. 58-61.

A) Correct
B) Incorrect

On Sep 24, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) It would be difficult to imagine a more stifling and uncomfortable outfit than one favored by the fashionable, well-to-do lady of the Elizabethan era. (2) Atop her dyed and styled hair, she wore an often elaborate headdress. (3) Her face was covered with a base coat of white lead and sulfur makeup, with additional layers of dye for cheeks and lips. (4) Around her neck was either a heavy necklace of large jewels or a ruff, a stiff ring made of starched lace. (5) A bodice with long, detachable sleeves covered her to her waist. (6) Beneath this bodice, a corset functioned as a girdle to flatten her chest and decrease the size of her waist. (7) Underneath her skirt, or kirtle, she wore a stiff frame made of wire or whalebone, which was designed to make the skirt balloon out from the body. (8) On her legs and feet, knee-length stockings made of wool or silk and leather shoes completed her many-layered costume.
Select the number of the topic sentence that states the overall impression of the subject.

A) Sentence 1
B) Sentence 2
C) Sentence 3

On Sep 22, 2024