


Sheela, an employee at CurryMart, confronts her manager, Ben, after realizing that her monthly pay has been reduced. Ben justifies this act by saying that the company incurred huge losses in the previous year and the employees must contribute to minimize the overall loss. However, Sheela is not happy about it, and she does not think that it is fair for the employees to pay for the company's losses. In the given scenario, it is likely that a(n) _____ would emerge within the organization.

A) person-role conflict
B) interpersonal conflict
C) work-role conflict
D) interrole conflict

On Jul 23, 2024



Consider the following statement by a project analyst: "I analyzed my project using scenarios for the base case, best case, and worst case. I computed break-evens and degrees of operating leverage. I did sensitivity analysis and simulation analysis. I computed NPV, IRR, payback, AAR, and PI. In the end, I have over a hundred different estimates and am more confused than ever. I would have been better off just sticking with my first estimate and going by my gut reaction.
Critique this statement.

On Jul 22, 2024

The goal of evaluating an NPV estimate or other decision criteria is to determine the reasonableness of it. If done properly, the added analysis will heighten either the degree of comfort or the degree of discomfort about a project. Ultimately, this type of analysis reveals both the weaknesses and the strengths of a project. Furthermore, it helps isolate potential trouble areas and sharpens the focus on which variables are most crucial for forecasting. The very nature of the process still leaves a great deal of uncertainty even after all of the analysis is complete. However, in the end, the analyst should be better informed and more comfortable in making a decision, not less so.


Discuss strategies for writing letters for claims and adjustments.

On Jun 22, 2024

If you're dissatisfied with a company's product or service,you can opt to make a claim (a formal complaint)or request an adjustment (a settlement of a claim).In either case,it's important to maintain a professional tone in all your communication,no matter how angry or frustrated you are.Open with a clear and calm statement of the problem along with your request.In the body,give a complete,specific explanation of the details.Provide any information the recipient needs to verify your complaint.In your close,politely request specific action or convey a sincere desire to find a solution.And,if appropriate,suggest that the business relationship will continue if the problem is solved satisfactorily.Be prepared to back up your claim with invoices,sales receipts,canceled checks,dated correspondence,and any other relevant documents.Send copies and keep the originals for your files.
If the remedy is obvious,tell your reader exactly what you expect from the company,such as exchanging incorrectly shipped merchandise for the right item or issuing a refund if the item is out of stock.In some cases,you might ask the recipient to resolve a problem.However,if you're uncertain about the precise nature of the trouble,you could ask the company to make an assessment and then advise you on how the situation could be fixed.Supply your contact information so that the company can discuss the situation with you,if necessary.


A valuable method of assessing supplier performance is to use a supplier performance index. This index is calculated by:

A) total purchase price  total supplier costs
B) total supplier costs  total purchase price
C) average purchase price  average supplier costs
D) average supplier costs  average purchase price

On Jun 21, 2024



A clause in a mortgage specifies that "if the mortgaged property is sold,then the remaining balance becomes immediately due and payable." This clause is called:

A) action and sale clause.
B) strict foreclosure clause.
C) due on sale clause.
D) subrogation clause.

On May 23, 2024



As the economy contracts,tax revenues ________ and transfer payments _________.

A) fall;rise
B) fall;fall
C) rise;fall
D) rise;rise

On May 22, 2024