


Dr.Sevigny has actually seen five patients in the past with these symptoms,but only two of them were firefighters.Dr.Sevigny still thinks it is likely that the new patient is also a firefighter.His assumption suggests Dr.Sevigny is guilty of _____________.

A) ignoring base rates
B) the availability bias
C) the Gambler's Fallacy
D) the overconfidence bias

On Sep 28, 2024



Maslow's work on self-actualization began as an attempt to understand the personalities of

A) psychoanalytic pioneers Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler.
B) statisticians Raymond Cattell and Hans Eysenck.
C) anthropologist Ruth Benedict and Gestalt psychologist Max Wertheimer.
D) mystic Carl Jung and scientist B. F. Skinner.

On Sep 25, 2024



According to the textbook,which of the following is not a reason for the increasing number of disabled persons in Canada?

A) Due to advances in medicine,more people who are injured in accidents are likely to survive than they were in the past.
B) As Canada's population ages,more citizens are likely to experience chronic diseases that cause disability.
C) Children born with a serious disability today are more likely to survive.
D) Society has begun to label people as "disabled" who would not have been considered disabled in the past.

On Sep 22, 2024