


A surety who pays a debtor's debt to the creditor gets all the rights the creditor had against the debtor.This is called surety's right of subrogation.

On Jun 30, 2024



Match the items below by entering the appropriate code letter in the space provided. Match the items below by entering the appropriate code letter in the space provided.

On Jun 30, 2024



Which one of the following ratios helps to indicate a company's effectiveness in meeting the stockholder profitability objectives?

A) profit margin
B) acid-test
C) dividend yield
D) inventory turnover

On Jun 01, 2024



Which of the following was the result at the Supreme Court level in Matrixx Initiatives, Inc. v. Siracusano, the case in the text in which the plaintiffs brought a class action alleging that the defendant violated securities laws by failing to release reports that its product, Zicam Cold Remedy, had been found to result in a loss of smell?

A) That the plaintiffs would not be allowed to proceed because they did not present statistically significant evidence that Zicam caused loss of smell.
B) That the plaintiffs would be allowed to proceed because they sufficiently pleaded scienter and also presented statistically significant evidence that Zicam caused loss of smell.
C) That under the "total mix" standard, the plaintiffs adequately pleaded materiality in regard to the alleged failure to disclose, the plaintiffs adequately pleaded scienter, and the plaintiffs would be allowed to proceed.
D) That under the "total mix" standard, the plaintiffs failed to sufficient plead materiality in regard to the alleged failure to disclose and therefore would not be allowed to proceed.
E) That although under the "total mix" standard, the plaintiffs pleaded materiality in regard to the alleged failure to disclose, the plaintiffs failed to sufficiently plead scienter and would therefore not be allowed to proceed.

On May 31, 2024



A ________ is a contract between a creditor and a third party who agrees to pay another person's debt and is primarily liable for the debt whereas in a ________, a third party, must pay a debt only after the debtor has defaulted.

A) Suretyship; guaranty
B) Guaranty; certified agreement
C) Certified agreement; suretyship
D) Certified agreement; guaranty
E) Guaranty; suretyship

On May 02, 2024



Vane has the ability to multitask and maintain continuous contact with others. She believes in receiving immediate gratification. This implies that Vane is most likely a ___.

A) Baby Boomer
B) Millennial
C) Gen X
D) Baby Buster
E) Golden Boomer

On May 01, 2024



A purpose statement:

A) is developed as part of the team development process during the project delivery phase.
B) provides a project with an anchor or organizational focus.
C) provides a method to support the integration of distinct business applications that have not necessarily been designed to coexist.
D) is an objective of maximum productivity with minimum participation.
E) delivers innovative solutions.

On Apr 30, 2024



The purchasing department is responsible for the price paid for materials.

On Apr 28, 2024



In most countries, a national accounting profession controls access to the profession while legislation prevents anyone other than its members from auditing public corporations.These conditions increase the accounting profession's power through which of the following?

A) Visibility
B) Non-substitutability
C) Centrality
D) Discretion
E) Referent power

On Apr 27, 2024