


If you are writing to someone to request a recommendation letter for a job or scholarship,you should include a stamped,preaddressed envelope for mailing.

On Aug 01, 2024



Justin is a human resource manager at an advertising firm. Justin proposes that the company adopt defined-benefit plans to attract and retain employees. In which situation will this benefit be most valuable to the firm's employees?

A) if all the employees are under the age of 30
B) if the nature of work demands college graduates
C) if the firm employs experienced, older people
D) if the firm employs young and creative minds
E) if the firm mainly employs freelancers

On Jul 30, 2024



An economic model:

A) is useful for explaining past economic conditions but not for predicting future outcomes.
B) often leads to faulty conclusions because of the ceteris paribus assumption.
C) allows nothing to change in the economic situation that is being described.
D) is a simplified version of reality used to understand real-world economic conditions.

On Jul 02, 2024



When calculating net present value earlier in the text, the appropriate cost of capital for a project was determined by the use of the funds, not the source. However, in leasing, we calculate the net advantage to leasing by discounting the cash flows at the lessee's after-tax borrowing rate. Aren't we violating our basic NPV principles here? Explain.

On Jun 30, 2024

We use the after-tax borrowing rate because we are deciding which is better, leasing or buying and the risk of these financing cash flows is properly reflected in the firm's cost of debt. Essentially, we have assumed the decision to acquire the asset has already been made via other analysis.


Which of the following is true of a collecting bank?

A) A collecting bank is an agent of the owner of an item only after settlement becomes final.
B) The relationship between a collecting bank and the owner of an item, once settled, becomes a debtor-creditor relationship.
C) A collecting bank may not be a sub-agent of the owner until settlement becomes final.
D) Collecting banks must give substantially more  warranties  than those given by parties under Article 3 upon presentment and transfer.

On Jun 02, 2024



_______ is a life insurance policy that provides a death benefit and a fixed-rate tax-deferred savings plan.

A) Term life
B) Whole life
C) Variable life
D) Universal life

On May 31, 2024



Comprises 70% of business entities in the United States

A) Proprietorship
B) Partnership
C) Corporation
D) Limited liability company (LLC)

On May 02, 2024



Caution signals are important to the success of the salesperson because they:

A) may evolve into disagreement signals if not addressed quickly.
B) indicate that the salesperson should stand closer to the prospect.
C) suggest disrespect between the buyer and the salesperson.
D) signal anger and hostility from the prospect.
E) indicate that the presentation is going well.

On May 01, 2024



Trends in supply organization and leadership include:

A) more chief purchasing officers without previous supply experience.
B) greater emphasis on teams and project-based work.
C) greater differentiation between strategic and tactical supply roles.
D) more chief purchasing officers without previous supply experience and greater emphasis on teams and project-based work.
E) more chief purchasing officers without previous supply experience,greater emphasis on teams and project-based work,and greater differentiation between strategic and tactical supply roles.

On Apr 30, 2024



Securities must be registered under the Securities Act of 1933 for the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to apply.

On Apr 29, 2024
