


Time-tested practices for developing successful teams are

A) showing enthusiasm, making timely decisions, practicing innovation.
B) admitting mistakes, being flexible, having persistence.
C) giving credit to others, keeping people informed, keeping promises.
D) putting others first and self last.
E) all of these.

On May 14, 2024



Which of the following statements is true about the first step of the control process?

A) It involves the identification of key results that one wants to accomplish, by the performance objectives.
B) It first involves the identification of the standards of measuring performance and then the identification of key results.
C) It identifies the point where output standards and input standards are used to carefully document results.
D) It involves relative comparisons that benchmark performance against that being achieved by other people, work units, or organizations.
E) It focuses attention on substantial differences between actual and desired performance.

On May 14, 2024



A firm's demand schedule for capital is

A) the marginal revenue product and marginal physical product schedule for capital.
B) neither the marginal revenue product schedule nor the marginal physical product schedule for capital.
C) the marginal revenue product schedule for capital.
D) the marginal physical product schedule for capital.

On May 13, 2024