


The Cold War affected the civil rights movement in all of the following ways EXCEPT

A) it led to the break-up of some civil rights movements and alliances due to purges of supposed communists.
B) it inspired civil rights activists to call on the U.S.government to fulfill its self-proclaimed role as leader of the free world by extending freedom to all its people.
C) it compelled presidents like Harry Truman to lash out against the civil rights movement and to dig in his heels against legislation intended to provide equal rights to blacks.
D) it gave opponents of black rights,particularly in the South,with the opportunity to smear civil rights organizations as "communist" without having to deal with the substance of the organizations' stances.

On Jul 12, 2024



The American Colonization Society

A) advocated the establishment of reservations in the Northwest territory for free black slaves.
B) received most of its support from the slave society.
C) supported the transport of African Americans to Liberia.
D) was opposed by most white Americans.

On Jul 09, 2024



Why did many freed slaves choose to leave the plantations?

On Jun 09, 2024

to more fully appreciate and experience a life as a freed person


Which is true of the Texas revolt?

A) It resulted in the creation of the independent Republic of Texas.
B) It was the first time that the U.S. Army fought on foreign soil.
C) The battle for the Alamo was a surprising Mexican defeat.
D) It consisted of sporadic but vicious battles between American and Tejano settlers.
E) It was sparked by the Mexican government seizing the slaves of American settlers.

On Jun 06, 2024