


What is a significant limitation of self-report measures of personality?

A) If a person is unaware of the psychological processes that underlie her or his motivations, behaviors, or feelings, those motivations, behaviors, and feelings can't accurately be reported.
B) There is no way to identify socially desirable or acquiescent response tendencies.
C) Very few self-report measures exist, so application of those measures to understanding personality on a large scale is limited.
D) Most people are reluctant to answer questions about themselves.

On Jul 13, 2024



If intelligence underlies competence then achievement involves

A) performance.
B) genetics.
C) environment.
D) learning ability.

On Jul 10, 2024



A longitudinal study of 2,402 low-income families examined the behavior of children (preschoolers as well as older children) before the mother started working and after they had been placed in day care. The results showed

A) no behavioral changes in the preschoolers, and slight benefits for the older kids.
B) negative effects on the preschoolers, and no changes for the older kids.
C) positive effects on the preschoolers, and negative changes for the older kids.
D) negative effects for both the preschoolers as well as the older kids.

On Jun 12, 2024



Compare and contrast the "role-playing" and "altered state" views of hypnosis.

On Jun 09, 2024

both views are attempts to account for known hypnotic phenomena,which include heightened suggestibility,relaxation,focused attention,and enhanced fantasy.proponents of the "role-playing" view regard hypnosis as a normal state of consciousness in which suggestible people act "as if" they are hypnotized by enacting their role expectations about how hypnotized people should support of this view,there is evidence that many supposed hypnotic phenomena can be duplicated by nonhypnotized subjects.other theorists continue to insist that hypnosis is a unique,altered state of consciousness.for example,ernest hilgard maintains that hypnosis creates a dissociation in consciousness-a splitting off of mental processes into two separate,simultaneous streams of awareness.this view is made plausible by the fact that divided consciousness is a common,normal experience (as in "highway hypnosis," for example).at present,there is no resolution to the debate between these two opposing views.


Researchers have linked violence to childhood maltreatment in combination with one form of the gene controlling the brain protein ____________________.

On May 13, 2024



A mother gives her three-year-old and her four-year-old children chocolate milk in identically shaped glasses to avoid conflict over who has more.The mother is showing her awareness of her children's difficulty with

A) language.
B) object permanence.
C) conservation.
D) symbolism.

On May 10, 2024