


Sodium-potassium pumps move ____ potassium ions into a neuron for every ____ sodium ions that move out of the cell.

A) two; two
B) three; two
C) two; three
D) three; three
E) three; four

On Jul 28, 2024



Residual volume

A) Sum of the inspiratory reserve, expiratory reserve, tidal, and residual volumes
B) Volume of air inspired during a normal inspiration
C) Volume of air remaining in lungs after the most forceful expiration
D) Sum of the expiratory reserve, inspiratory reserve, and tidal volumes
E) The amount of air that can be forcefully expired after expiration of the normal tidal volume

On Jul 26, 2024



Which of the following are functions of the plasma membrane? Select all that apply.

A) It separates the internal environment of the cell from the external environment.
B) It regulates the entrance and exit of molecules to and from the cell.
C) It helps the cell and the organism maintain a steady internal environment.
D) It serves as a site for protein synthesis.
E) It serves as the site for photosynthesis in plant cells.

On Jun 27, 2024

A, B, C


Grievance procedures in a union contract are preferable to other methods of resolving workplace disputes because:

A) They give management greater control over disciplinary actions.
B) They decrease uncertainly and increase stability because unions fear losing the grievance in arbitration.
C) They decrease uncertainty and increase stability by employee adherence to negotiated rules.
D) They encourage employers to be more lenient with employees.

On Jun 25, 2024



Identify the parts of a typical fungal body plan and briefly explain the function of each of the structures you identified.

On May 28, 2024

Hyphae: secretion of digestive enzymes and absorption of water and nutrients
Sporangia: production of spores
Conidiophores: production of conidia
Fruiting bodies: complex reproductive structures


Describe the ongoing research concerning the relationship between species richness and community stability. What research supports or fails to support this relationship?

On May 26, 2024

Concepts to Consider: The traditional view supports increasing species richness as a cause of community stability; experimental and field research supports this view, including: (1) studies in monocultures such as agricultural areas that are susceptible to disruptions due to lack of species richness, and (2) studies by Tilman and Downing in Minnesota grasslands; however, typical community structure does vary from year to year, indicating a natural variation in species densities. Also note criticisms of this study that suggest using established ecosystems, rather than plots, in order to avoid additional confounding variables.