


Interest earned only on the original principal amount invested is called _____ interest.

A) Free.
B) Annual.
C) Simple.
D) Interest on.
E) Compound.

On May 09, 2024



Tip can write 2 pages of term paper or solve 2 workbook problems in an hour, while Spot can write 2 pages of term paper or solve 6 workbook problems in an hour.If they each decide to work a total of 8 hours and to share their output, then if they produce as many pages of term paper as possible given that they produce 14 workbook problems,

A) Tip will spend all of his time writing term papers and Spot will spend some time at each task.
B) Spot will spend all of his time writing term papers and Tip will spend some time at each task.
C) Spot will write term papers only and Tip will do workbook problems only.
D) both students will spend some time at each task.
E) Tip will write term papers only and Spot will do workbook problems only.

On May 06, 2024