


If reciprocal innervation failed during a stretch reflex, the consequence might be that

A) the overall movement would be diminished due to opposing muscles contracting simultaneously.
B) the overall movement would be exaggerated due to the lack of regulation from opposing muscle contraction.
C) the complete loss of movement due to lack of stimulation of the effector muscle.

On Jun 23, 2024



Which of the following could be considered a secondary boycott?

A) A union encourages consumers not to purchase from Wal-Mart because Wal-Mart uses nonunion labor.
B) A union encourages consumers not to purchase from Wal-Mart because it sells products that are produced by a company that they are currently striking.
C) A union encourages its members not to purchase from Wal-Mart because Wal-Mart uses nonunion labor.
D) A union refuses to work on a job site where nonunion labor is also working.

On Jun 21, 2024



Which of the following statements regarding the sliding filament model is false?

A) Actin and myosin do not shorten during contraction.
B) Both actin and myosin myofilaments shorten during contraction.
C) The sarcomere shortens.
D) The I band and H zones become narrower during contraction.
E) The A band remains constant in length.

On Jun 20, 2024