


Department head Matt wants the department members to be convinced of the merits of a new procedure. He gets a well-liked worker to speak in favor of the new procedure. Matt is using the persuasion principle known as:

A) reciprocity.
B) consistency.
C) scarcity.
D) social proof.

On May 15, 2024



The term structure of interest rates or yield curve is the pattern of interest rate yields for securities that differ only in:

A) default risk.
B) liquidity premiums.
C) the yield to maturity.
D) the length of time to maturity.

On May 15, 2024



What is queue discipline? State three rules for queue discipline. Which of these rules appears most frequently in the four main models?

On May 15, 2024

Queue discipline is the rule that determines the sequence in which arrivals will receive service. Choices include (1) FIFO, FIFS, or first-in, first-served, (2) LIFO, LIFS, or last-in, first-served, and (3) priority, such as the triage area of a hospital emergency room. FIFO is the only one assumed by the four models.


if a  2.50, b  0.60, and c  1, the marginal products of x1, x2, and x3 (in this order) are

A) increasing, decreasing, and constant.
B) decreasing, increasing, and decreasing.
C) all increasing.
D) all decreasing.
E) all increasing if A  1.

On May 15, 2024



Cinergy Inc., a Midwestern gas and electric utility company, needs to reduce its workforce over the next 2 years. The company is offering employees who leave the firm before the age of 65 a bonus equivalent to 2 weeks' pay for every year of employment with Cinergy Inc. In the given scenario, Cinergy Inc. is:

A) increasing job embeddedness.
B) encouraging voluntary early retirement.
C) providing stock options to employees.
D) implementing an involuntary turnover strategy.

On May 11, 2024