


Ian Craib claims that Anthony Giddens work has become so central, that sociologists somehow must account for it in their own work.

On Jul 25, 2024



Which of the following refers to unfair treatment of people based on their real or imagined group membership?

A) racism
B) prejudice
C) discrimination
D) scapegoating

On Jul 17, 2024



The process by which a foreign power invades a territory and establishes enduring systems of exploitation and domination over that territory's indigenous populations is called what?

A) cultural appropriation
B) indigeneity
C) racism
D) colonization

On Jul 15, 2024



Define culture shock and use an example to illustrate how it can affect a person within their own society.

On Jul 13, 2024

Culture shock is the feeling of disorientation and discomfort that someone may experience when they are immersed in a new and unfamiliar culture. This can happen when someone travels to a different country or even when they encounter a subculture within their own society that is vastly different from their own.

For example, imagine a person who has grown up in a small, rural town where everyone knows each other and the pace of life is slow. If this person were to move to a bustling city, they may experience culture shock as they try to navigate the fast-paced lifestyle, diverse population, and different social norms. They may feel overwhelmed, isolated, and struggle to adapt to the new environment.

Similarly, someone from a conservative religious community may experience culture shock when they encounter a more liberal and secular subculture within their own society. The clash of values, beliefs, and behaviors can lead to feelings of confusion, anxiety, and alienation.

In both of these examples, culture shock can have a significant impact on a person's mental and emotional well-being, as they try to make sense of the new cultural context and find their place within it.


Many analysts project that the world population will pass the ____ mark around 2100.

A) 7 billion
B) 8 billion
C) 9 billion
D) 10 billion
E) 11 billion

On Jul 12, 2024



A researcher notes that when his nose gets cold,he is more likely to slip on the ice when leaving his office building.The researcher then writes a paper stating that there is an association between cold noses and falling down.This association is:

A) connected
B) independent
C) dependent
D) spurious
E) controlled

On Jun 16, 2024



Freud believed that self-image begins when infant demands are denied.

On Jun 15, 2024



Glenn does not believe in any one god but celebrates his spirituality every day through his meditation practice. According to the textbook, what religion does Glenn subscribe to?

A) Buddhism
B) Christianity
C) Hinduism
D) Judaism

On Jun 13, 2024



Compare and contrast functionalism and conflict theory. Describe the distinctive features of each as well as common criticisms of each paradigm.

On Jun 12, 2024

Functionalism and conflict theory are two major sociological perspectives that offer different explanations for social phenomena.

Functionalism, also known as structural functionalism, views society as a complex system with interconnected parts that work together to maintain stability and order. It emphasizes the importance of social institutions, such as family, education, and government, in maintaining social equilibrium. According to functionalism, each part of society serves a specific function and contributes to the overall stability of the system. This perspective also focuses on the manifest and latent functions of social institutions, meaning the intended and unintended consequences of their actions.

On the other hand, conflict theory views society as a competition for limited resources, with power and inequality being central to social life. This perspective emphasizes the role of conflict, domination, and exploitation in shaping social relationships and institutions. Conflict theorists argue that social institutions serve the interests of the powerful and privileged, while perpetuating inequality and oppression. They also highlight the role of social change and revolution in challenging and transforming existing power structures.

Distinctive features of functionalism include its focus on social stability, consensus, and the interdependence of social institutions. It also emphasizes the importance of social order and equilibrium in maintaining societal functioning. In contrast, conflict theory highlights the role of power, inequality, and social change in shaping society. It also emphasizes the role of conflict and competition in social relationships and institutions.

Common criticisms of functionalism include its tendency to overlook social conflict and inequality, as well as its conservative approach to social change. Critics argue that functionalism fails to account for the negative consequences of social institutions and their impact on marginalized groups. On the other hand, conflict theory has been criticized for its focus on conflict and inequality at the expense of social stability and cooperation. Critics argue that conflict theory overlooks the ways in which social institutions contribute to social order and cohesion.

In conclusion, functionalism and conflict theory offer different perspectives on society, with distinct features and common criticisms. While functionalism emphasizes social stability and the interdependence of social institutions, conflict theory focuses on power, inequality, and social change. Both perspectives have been subject to criticism for their limitations in explaining the complexities of social life.


What term is used to describe a sexual encounter that is spontaneous and unlikely to happen again?

A) sexual assault
B) hookup
C) sexual liaison
D) make-out session

On May 17, 2024