Md. Iftekhar Rahman




Describe some of the different strategies that interest groups use to gain influence on public policy.In your answer,be sure to give specific examples of each of the strategies you discuss.

On Jun 21, 2024

There are four components to this question.
a.Lobbying: Lobbying is an attempt by a group to influence the policy process through persuasion of government officials.Lobbyists first and foremost provide information to lawmakers about their interests and the legislation at hand.They communicate this information to lawmakers,administrators,and committee staff members with facts about pertinent issues.They often testify on behalf of their clients at congressional committee and agency hearings.Lobbyists talk to reporters,place ads in newspapers,and organize letter-writing,phone call,and email campaigns.They also play an important role in fund-raising,helping to direct clients' contributions to certain members of Congress and presidential candidates.
b.Litigation: Interest groups can use the courts to affect public policy in at least three ways: (1)by bringing suit directly on behalf of the group itself, (2)by financing suits brought by individuals,or (3)by filing a companion brief as an amicus curiae (literally "friend of the court")to an existing court case.
c.Going public: Going public is a strategy that attempts to mobilize the widest and most favorable climate of opinion.Groups may "go public" through institutional advertising,protests and demonstrations,or grassroots mobilization.
d.Electoral influence: Interest groups also seek to use the electoral process to elect the right legislators in the first place and to ensure that those who are elected will owe them a debt of gratitude for their support.Specifically,interest groups make campaign contributions (primarily through PACs and Super PACs),engage in campaign activism,and place initiatives on the ballot in states that provide or direct democracy.


The concept of a marketplace of ideas refers to

A) important changes in copyright and patent laws that have restricted Americans' access to free information.
B) the competition between varying opinions and ideas that are aired in public forums.
C) the use of opinion pollsters who market a politician's speeches,ideas,and votes.
D) the explosion of information brought on by the internet and other advances in electronic communication.

On Jun 19, 2024



How does the Electoral College system discourage third-party candidates?

On Jun 18, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
In all but two states, the candidate who gets a plurality of the vote wins all of its electors.A vote for a third party candidate closer to the less-feared Democratic or Republican candidate is seen as a long shot, and only likely to hurt a voter's back up Democratic or Republican candidate.An example of this is that many Democrats felt that if Nader hadn't run in 2000, Gore may have won the close race against Bush.


Dr.Addy is conducting an interview using Skype's instant message features.This situation is an example of

A) Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) .
B) Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) .
C) synchronous environments.
D) asynchronous environments.

On Jun 16, 2024



More than ________ percent of all cases in the United States are heard in state courts.

A) 33
B) 50
C) 68
D) 97

On Jun 15, 2024



Shays's Rebellion was an attempt to

A) prevent the state of Massachusetts from foreclosing on the lands of debt-ridden farmers.
B) invade New England by royalists from Canada.
C) bring a Georgian slave revolt to Virginia.
D) force the British government to rescind the Tea Act.

On Jun 14, 2024