


A key advantage of incentive plans is that they represent variable costs that are linked to the realization of goals as opposed to a fixed cost such as salary that may be largely unrelated to true performance (i.e., output).

On Jul 22, 2024



What are the different types of pay for rewarding individual performance?

On Jul 21, 2024

Another quantity-oriented incentive for production workers is the standard hour plan, an incentive plan that pays workers extra for work done in less than a preset "standard time." They encourage employees to work as fast as they can, but not necessarily to care about the quality or customer service. Also, they succeed only if employees want the extra money more than they want to work at a pace that feels comfortable.
Merit pay: Merit pay links pay increases to ratings on performance appraisals and the employee's compa-ratio, his/her pay relative to average pay. Thus, the system gives the biggest pay increases to the best performers and to those whose pay is relatively low for their job. Advantages include the fact that rewards are made more valuable by relating them to economic conditions and that they provide a method for rewarding performance in all of the dimensions measured in the organization's performance management system. Disadvantages include the fact that they can, from the employer's standpoint, quickly become very expensive and they may be viewed by employees as unfair if superior performance ratings are based on factors other than employee ability and motivation.
Performance bonuses: Like merit pay, performance bonuses reward individual performance, but bonuses are not rolled into base pay. In some cases, the bonus is a one-time reward. Bonuses can be linked to objective performance measures, rather than subjective ratings, and they allow organizations great flexibility in deciding what kinds of behavior to reward and whether such rewards will be one-time or ongoing. Sales commissions: Commissions are calculated as a percentage of sales. Some salespeople earn a commission in addition to a base salary; others earn only a commission, a pay arrangement called a straight commission plan. Paying most or all of a salesperson's compensation in the form of salary frees the salesperson to focus on developing customer goodwill, while paying most or all of a salesperson's compensation in the form of commissions encourages the salesperson to focus on closing sales.


Use the concept of behavior settings to describe the room where your class meets,being careful to provide details about the boundaries,components,and programs in the setting.

On Jun 22, 2024

The room where my class meets is a typical classroom setting. The boundaries of the room are defined by the walls, doors, and windows. There are desks and chairs arranged in rows, with a clear pathway for students to move around the room. The front of the room has a whiteboard and a projector screen, which are used for instructional purposes.

The components of the setting include the furniture, technology, and instructional materials. The desks and chairs provide seating for the students, while the whiteboard and projector screen are used by the teacher to present information. There are also bookshelves and cabinets for storing textbooks, supplies, and other resources.

The programs in the setting include the daily schedule, lesson plans, and classroom rules. The class follows a set schedule for each day, with specific times for different subjects and activities. The teacher also has lesson plans for each class, outlining the objectives, activities, and materials for the lesson. Additionally, there are rules and expectations for behavior and participation in the classroom.

Overall, the behavior setting of the classroom is designed to facilitate learning and collaboration among students, with clear boundaries, essential components, and structured programs in place.


To reduce failure when using a profit-sharing plan,you should do all of the following except:

A) Do not tell the employees the metrics that the program is measuring
B) Tie the program to the company's strategies
C) Give the program time to succeed.It takes two or three years for a program to
Change overall company performance.
D) Provide up-to-date information that allows employees to see how well they are
Performing against their goals

On Jun 21, 2024



Three broad categories of blocks to creative decision making are behavioral,societal,and visual.

On May 23, 2024



Which of the following is developed based on speculation about the cause of a problem?

A) A hypothesis
B) Problem factoring
C) A yardstick solution
D) A feasibility report
E) Failure analysis

On May 22, 2024