


The nurse knows that _______________ is the proper term to describe that the patient's water seal is fluctuating up and down with each breath.

A) bubbling
B) tidaling
C) fluttering
D) alternating

On Jul 17, 2024



Which of the following reflects an understanding of the characteristics of older adults?

A) Fewer than 5% of all older adults live in nursing homes.
B) Average life expectancy at birth has declined slightly during the past 10 years.
C) In general, males tend to live longer than do females.
D) Black men have the lowest life expectancy, but the gap decreases as a person ages.

On Jul 14, 2024



Which is the best position in which to place the patient to hear low-pitched cardiovascular sounds?

A) Supine
B) Sitting up
C) Dorsal recumbent
D) Left lateral recumbent

On Jun 16, 2024



Which is the priority intervention for an elderly patient with the nursing diagnosis ineffective sexuality pattern related to vaginal dryness?

A) Help the patient to communicate the need for privacy for sexual activity.
B) Encourage the patient to utilize a water-based vaginal lubricant for comfort.
C) Let the patient know that vaginal dryness is a normal finding in older women.
D) Instruct the patient to void immediately after intercourse to prevent irritation.

On Jun 14, 2024



The patient is terminally ill and is receiving hospice care. The nurse cares for the patient by bathing, shaving, and repositioning him. The patient would like a Catholic priest called to provide the Sacrament of the Sick. The nurse places a call and arranges for the priest's visit. Which theory does this nurse's care represent?

A) Roy's theory
B) Watson's theory
C) Henderson's theory
D) Orem's self-care deficit theory

On May 16, 2024




A) Nature controls life and health.
B) Organ transplantation or donation is not considered.
C) Observance of the Sabbath is important.
D) Past sins cause illness.
E) Nonhuman spirits invading the body cause illness.

On May 15, 2024



At the beginning of an evening shift,parents of Keegan,11,are questioning a nurse about the large number of invasive tests ordered for their son.The nurse has not yet been able to review the chart or do an assessment.Which one of the following is the best response by the nurse?

A) "I am not sure if I can answer your questions just now."
B) "It is a good idea to listen carefully to what your physician wants."
C) "Keegan's doctor is the best there is.I think you should trust his judgment."
D) "Maybe you should get another opinion if you are not comfortable."

On May 14, 2024



A mother watches the nurse perform an assessment on her newborn and asks the nurse why she is doing things like "stroking the bottom of his feet." The nurse should respond,"I'm:

A) Checking the blood flow to your baby's feet to make sure it's normal"
B) Testing to see if your baby's neuromuscular system is fully developed"
C) Checking to see if your baby has the reflex responses we anticipate"
D) Testing to see if your baby has normal sensation in his feet"

On May 12, 2024



During the first interview, a nurse notices that the patient does not make eye contact. The nurse can correctly analyze that:

A) the patient is not truthful.
B) the patient is feeling sad.
C) the patient has a poor self-concept.
D) more information is needed to draw a conclusion.

On May 11, 2024