


Pick a communication style (perhaps it is yours)and identify what are the challenges in communicating with that particular communication style?​

On Jul 22, 2024

Answers will vary depending on style.When communicating with private style communicators,it is important to communicate carefully,do not threaten or question,avoid making waves,and do not expect praise,guidance,or criticism.When communicating with dominant style communicators,it is important to take criticism and learn,meet expectations,accept their proposal changes,ask questions,and expect personal ego attacks from neurotic blind dominant types.When communicating with sociable communicators,know that where you stand may not be clear if you are new or too knowledgeable,do not expect full disclosure.When communicating with open communicators,be honest and tactful,look at all sides of a problem,follow the lead on sharing personal stories,and accept shared responsibility​


Vroom, the sales manager of a major advertising firm, has tried implementing the path-goal theory among his teammates. However, on further analysis, he studies the details of the normative decision model in order to apply its key concepts as well. What would be the five key decision-making styles from the normative model from which Vroom can choose a strategy for his team?

On Jul 19, 2024

The normative decision model views leadership as a decision-making process in which the leader examines certain factors within a situation to determine which decision-making style will be the most effective.The normative model (formerly known as the leader-participation model)
identifies five decision-making styles, each reflecting a different degree of participation by group members:
1. Decide: The leader makes the decision alone and either announces or sells it to the group. The leader might use expertise in collecting information from the group or from others who appear to have information relevant to the problem.
2. Consult (Individually): The leader presents the problem to the group members individually, gathers their suggestions, and then makes the
3. Consult (Group): The leader presents the problem to group members in a meeting, gathers their suggestions, and then makes the decision.
4. Facilitate: The leader presents the problem and then acts as a facilitator, defining the problem to be solved and the boundaries in which the
decision must be made. The leader wants concurrence and avoids having his or her ideas receive more weight based on position power.
5. Delegate: The leader permits the group to make the decision within prescribed limits. Although the leader does not directly intervene in the
group’s deliberations unless explicitly asked, he or she works behind the scenes, providing resources and encouragement.


An export subsidy for a product will benefit

A) domestic consumers of the product.
B) foreign producers of the product.
C) foreign consumers of the product.
D) the domestic taxpayers.

On Jun 21, 2024



An) _____ is the short explanation that project team members give when asked about the project.

A) scope of work
B) attribution of benevolence
C) Humm Factor
D) project story
E) project profile

On Jun 18, 2024



Unless companies and managers take the time to understand the different work and value systems of different generations of workers,multigenerational teams will work under frustrating conditions.Values that should be considered when composing a team of different generational members include the importance of family,team versus individual orientation,achievement orientation and:

A) the number of contacts the person has in their social network.
B) the person's need for feedback,attention,and coaching.
C) the person's negotiation skills.
D) how well the person understands the corporate culture of the team.

On May 21, 2024



Plenary review jurisdiction in federal court can only arise in cases of diversity,even though there is no federal law is involved.

On May 18, 2024
